-24- Long Night

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-24- Long night

After another very relaxed week with his parents, Zhan felt top fit again. Finally he had overcome his insomnia, felt physically stronger and also mentally stronger. It was clear to him that it was his own fault that he was feeling bad. If he had paid a little more attention to himself, he would never have become ill.

Meanwhile Zhan could sleep very well again and since he dreamt of the fateful night from Yibo and wrote everything down, he had no more nightmares. He hadn't even noticed or even seen lost souls again. Which scared him a little in the beginning, because he was afraid that he had lost this gift again.

But then, when he walked through the streets with his parents and helped them with their work with the children and teenagers, he saw a lost soul again. A little boy, maybe four or five years old. He was sitting in front of a fountain and watching the many doves as they fought over a slice of bread.

The little boy laughed and obviously enjoyed watching the doves. When he lifted his head and saw Zhan, he smiled and immediately came running towards Zhan. He clung to Zhan's leg and asked him if he could tell him why no one saw him and if he could help him. Zhan stroked smilingly over the boy's head and promised to help him to find out who he is.

And together with his parents, who probably went with him out of curiosity, Zhan set off for the nearest children's hospital. There, the boy's soul began to react, just like the little girl did. Zhan followed him when he felt attracted to something. And Zhan's parents followed him.

The three of them stopped in front of a room where the boy had disappeared. A nurse who was also about to check on the boy, explained that he just didn't wake up a few days ago after a routine operation. The boy's desperate parents sat in the room and waited for their beloved son to finally wake up.

Zhan looked through the small window of the room door and explained what he saw to his parents. How the boy's soul was attracted to the body and finally pulled back into the body. And it was only a minute or two before one of the devices sounded an alarm.

A doctor came running, ran into the room, and through the door, which was now open, Zhan and his parents could see the boy open his eyes and stretch extensively. Then he laughingly asked his parents if he could eat a pudding now.

And after this wonderful experience, Zhan finally felt ready to return to his home and resume his daily routine. He packed his bag that very evening and planned to go home in the morning. But this one evening he wanted to spend with his two siblings.

During a long conversation with his older sister and his younger brother, his sister gave him an idea. They had been talking about Yibo's case and Zhan's dream of the fateful evening when his sister said: "Could his mother have been possessed by someone? This Yibo took other bodies. So it is possible that it happened to his stepmother as well. Maybe something was occupying her body."

Zhan wondered why he hadn't figured it out since it was so obvious. He should have figured it out on his own. But perhaps he was too busy with himself to come up with the simplest solution. The only question that remained was who occupied Frau Wang's body and why?

In the morning, after breakfast with the family, Zhan went home again. And when he arrived at his apartment a short time later, his roommates and friends greeted him, full of joy. It was the first time in six years that they hadn't seen each other for so long, so the joy was all the greater when they finally saw each other again.

Chuyue and Yu Bin told him what they had done and experienced in the past weeks and Zhan told them that he just had a very relaxed time with his family. Of course he could have told them why he needed a break and what a new task he has now as a new medium. But he decided to keep this to himself, at least for now.

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