-61- The helper syndrome

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-61- The helper syndrome

When Zhan went to Chuyue's new apartment after work, where he has been living with his girlfriend for half a year, and who is none other than Luna Li, Zhan still found it strange to see his best friend and his ex-girlfriend as a couple.

Chuyue and Luna Li became steadily closer during Zhan's years of absence and eventually began a relationship in secret. However, in front of all their friends and acquaintances, the two continued to pretend that they couldn't stand each other. But even if they hadn't pretended anything, no one who knew them would have believed that the two could in any way come or be together.

They hated each other too much when Zhan was with her and they never had a good word for each other. Which is why EVERYBODY was absolutely shocked when half a year ago the two of them not only admitted to being in a relationship for two years, but also wanted to move in together.

Only a few months earlier Yu Bin had left the former flat-sharing community and was looking for his own apartment. He said he wanted to finally lead an independent life, without roommates. Afterwards, when Chuyue and Luna Li announced their relationship, Yu Bin admitted that he already knew that they were a couple because they kept meeting in the shared apartment and spending the nights together. But he had never mentioned this to Chuyue because it was obvious that he didn't want anyone to know about his relationship.

And because Yu Bin could no longer bear the regular nightly moans that robbed him of his sleep, he finally found an apartment for himself and moved out. He also couldn't stand Chuyue's lies anymore, such as that Chuyue couldn't sleep and only watched a porn movie. Chuyue apologized to Yu Bin again and again, but their friendship seems to have broken and cannot be repaired.

That's why Zhan could only ever meet one of them and not both of them together anymore. And today he visited Chuyue and Luna Li. But Zhan could not really concentrate. Because he had to think about Yibo all the time.

He knew that his parents had talked to Yibo and now he was afraid that Yibo might resent him for interfering in his affairs again. Zhan had not wanted to interfere with that at all. Again and again he told himself that either Yibo and Lian would make it, or not. And if they don't make it, the two have to see how they solve the problem themselves.

But he felt sorry for Yibo. The pressure on Yibo was very high and he seemed more and more desperate with every day. And Zhan had told himself nevertheless that he must not and will not give in to his helper syndrome and that he will let Yibo handle it alone.

But at some point, Zhan just couldn't look away anymore. Yibo tried so hard every day and still his efforts were not rewarded. And when Yibo explained to him yesterday with tears in his eyes that he and Lian had to close the office and Yibo hated himself because he would no longer be able to look after the children and teenagers, Zhan decided to interfere one last time.

A few weeks earlier, he had already talked to his parents about how Yibo could be helped and what would be necessary so that his office would not only not have to close, but could remain permanently. His parents explained to him what was important and what mistakes Yibo and Lian had already made at the beginning. They also told him that his siblings want to renounce the money from the sale of his grandma's house and leave it to Zhan.

Zhan, who never cared much about money but found it reassuring to have some, didn't think long and decided that if the money should be used, it should be for a good cause. And the office of Yibo and Lian, is just as good a cause. Because with their work they help children, young people and families who are in need and desperately looking for help. So could there be a better cause than using the money to help Yibo so that he can continue to help others? No!

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