-52- No togetherness

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-52- No togetherness

When Zhan woke up in the morning, he was still so dazed that it took him a moment to realize where he was and why. And then he immediately realized what an impossible reunion he and Yibo had. He had always imagined it differently. Not with some insolent lost soul he had to take care of.

Slowly, Zhan sat up and turned around to Yibo. He was still asleep and so Zhan took the chance to look around the apartment in peace. He quickly realized in astonishment that all of Zhan's belongings, from his parents' house and even from the storage room, were here. Since the apartment is very small, his tour did not take long and he found himself in the bathroom.

After a long shower, he put on the bathrobe, which was also his, and went back into the bedroom, where he assumed to find his clothes in one of the two closets. And so he did. All his clothes were in one wardrobe. He took out what he needed and sat on the edge of the bed to get dressed.

But suddenly, Yibo pulled him back to him, kissed him and then said, "I don't think you're really gonna need your clothes now."

"Why? What are you gonna do?" Zhan asked confusedly.

"What do you think?" Asked Yibo with a grin. Zhan swallowed hard. Although he had also wanted them to sleep with each other for a long time, the fact that it was supposed to happen right now came as a surprise to him and seemed too fast. After all, it's not even 24 hours since they are together again. Nevertheless he felt that he was ready. At the latest when Yibo started to kiss his neck.

But before they could go any further, Yibo's cell phone rang. It was Zhan's mother who wanted to speak to Zhan. She told him that Yibo's mother was now ready to talk to Yibo and that they should bring Hai Kuan with them. "And where is Hai Kuan now?"

"Well, I guess he and your brother are at home having breakfast with him." His mother said.

Zhan was a little angry to hear about the relationship between Cheng and Hai Kuan that way. Yesterday evening he met his parents and siblings and Zhan's sister just told him that she was now married and expecting her first child. But Cheng told nothing.

"What is it now?" Yibo asked annoyed.

"My mom wants us to come home and she wants Hai Kuan to come too." Zhan replied.

"Now? Seriously? Can't we at least have a couple of hours alone for us? I mean, damn it, Zhan, we haven't seen each other for three and a half years. But instead, the night was already fucked up because of this soul, then you were too tired, and now we all have to go home to your parents."

"Yibo, don't be angry. It's important, you'll see."

"Oh, yeah? My mom hadn't been there for me for 19 years, so I guess she can wait one more day."

"You know about your mother?" Asked Zhan in shock.

"Where is the best place to start? Oh yes, the invitation. When you got the invitation from that shaman, you showed me the letter and I tried to remember the address in case I couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to see you. But with all the stress with the move and my very moody uncle, I forgot the address again. But then I met an old man who offered me to live with him not even half an hour after we met. My grandfather is a bad liar. Did he really think I wouldn't be curious about that offer? Well, at first when I lived with him, I didn't think about exploring who he really was. Until he explained to me where in China he had been living. And then I remembered the address where you're supposed to meet the shaman. From then on I started to investigate who Wang Huang really is and found out quite fast, with only one call to the registry office in Beijing, that Wang Huang is the father of my mother, my grandfather!"

"How did you find out about your mother?"

"It's simple, they talked on the phone a lot. So you may have lived like in the Middle Ages, but she must have had access to technology and electricity somewhere, because without that, she and my grandfather wouldn't have been able to talk on the phone so often. Well, anyway, I overheard many of the phone calls and more than once I heard my grandfather call her as his only child. To be sure, I called Beijing a second time and they confirmed that my grandfather only had one child, a daughter. And this daughter is missing! So she did not die, as I was told all the time. I demanded an explanation from my father and he admitted what happened back then. But, he didn't tell me why a mother simply left her two sons."

"She'll explain that to you Yibo. If we hurry, we can be at my parents house in an hour and you can ask her yourself." Zhan replied.

"And then? Will, what she has to tell me ruin my day?"

"Well, it depends on how you look at it. I can't tell you much about it. Like I said, she has to explain it to you."

"What if I would rather stay here with you, ZhanZhan? What if I don't feel like seeing her today, because I just want to spend time with my boyfriend, who I haven't seen in over three and a half years? What if I'd rather spend the day in bed with you than let this ruin my good mood?"

"Do you still have it?" Asked Zhan.

"What do I have?" Confused Yibo.

"Good mood. Because it seems to me that you are angry."

"I am angry, yes. Because I have waited so long for this day and again my family comes between us. Once again I have to give in and back off instead of just once doing what I've been longing for so long."

"What if I promise we'll have privacy by tomorrow at the latest?"

"For how long, Zhan? A day? Maybe two? And then what? Will you ignore the lost souls? Or are you gonna drag me back into this like you did last night? Without even explaining how I was able to test this girl? Or wait, will my mother explain to me that this is my task from now on? That I also have a gift which I must learn to use? And who will teach me that then? Will you?"

Zhan looked speechlessly at Yibo. He is not only damn clever, but also very good at guessing.

"So I was right. Your silence tells everything, Zhan. So no togetherness, no relationship, just a job we have to do together?"

Without waiting for Zhan's answer, Yibo angrily left the bedroom and went to the bathroom. And that's exactly why Zhan hated that Yibo had been lied to his whole life. Now, the relationship suffered from all this again and Yibo now doubts about their relationship, too.

Since Zhan can't and won't accept that Yibo has doubts about their relationship and therefore also about his love for him, he jumped up from the bed and ran to the bathroom. He saw Yibo standing in the shower, he didn't move and just stood there. Zhan saw that Yibo was close to tears.

He put his bathrobe on the side and went to Yibo in the shower cabin where he immediately took Yibo in his arms. "Our relationship and our love is real. And we will not let anything or anyone take that away from us, do you understand? I love you and I want to be with you. Please don't doubt about us." He said softly.

Yibo nodded, raised his head and kissed Zhan. He put his arms around Zhan and then looked at Zhan smiling. "You are Naked ZhanZhan." Said Yibo.

"Uh, yes." Zhan replied shyly.

"It's the first time I see you completely naked." Said Yibo, looking at Zhan's body. "My boyfriend is very thin but also very goddamn sexy." Yibo added with a grin.

Yibo kissed Zhan without waiting for an answer. He pressed Zhan gently against the wall of the shower cubicle and whispered in Zhan's ear: "Everything else can wait. This now, with you and me, but not."

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