-16- A name

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-16- A name

After Zhan informed his parents that the grandmother was well, he spent another hour with her and the shaman before he went home again.

And even after he got home and washed all those greasy pastes on his face, he couldn't see the lost soul. The shaman had told him that it might take several hours. Maybe even a day. But Zhan was very impatient and couldn't wait to finally talk to the handsome man again.

But even when he had gone to bed around midnight, he couldn't see him. He closed his eyes and thought about that day and everything he had experienced and relived. Until recently he had had a normal life. He went to work, met with friends and just lived his quiet life. But from one moment to the next everything was different and his whole life was turned upside down. But instead of worrying about it, he was even happy about it.

And while Zhan was still thinking about the lost soul, he finally fell asleep and suddenly found himself in a chaotic dream world. He saw a young man without a face driving along a lonely country road at night and someone with a car that had hit him. The faceless man tried to limp away. The next moment he saw many different shamans performing some rituals and again a moment later he saw himself in the club dancing with the lost soul and they kissed. And then he was on the lonely country road again and saw a mother sitting desperately next to a motorcycle and crying.

When Zhan woke up in the morning, he felt tired and dull. He felt like he hadn't slept at all. Though he knew, of course, that he did sleep. Tired, he rubbed his eyes, stretched and expanded extensively in bed, staring at the ceiling. His eyes fell on a dark spot and he quietly asked himself, "Was the spot there last night?"

"It's a little spider." Someone beside him answered. Zhan was so startled, he tried to jump up. Instead, he fell off the bed and stared incredulously at his bed, where the lost soul, this handsome man, looked at him and beamed all over his face.

"Damn, my heart almost stopped." Zhan hissed and still couldn't believe he could finally see him and even talk to him.

Zhan crawled from the cold floor back into the bed and stretched out his index finger to the young man. But when he should have felt the touch, there was nothing but emptiness. He slipped right through, through the shoulder of the handsome stranger. "Wow, that's really scary." Said Zhan, trying once again to touch the young man's shoulder with his whole hand.

"Are you done? Or do you want to test other body parts? The result will always be the same." He explained to Zhan.

For a moment, Zhan thought about what he could ask his handsome stranger. But then he remembered that he can't remember anything. Not even his own name. And so he thought about how he should address the young man in the future so that he wouldn't always have to say Hey or You. "You need a name." Zhan finally said, without responding to the previous remark of the lost soul.

"Can you give me a name?" He asked Zhan.

"I don't know. I can't think of one. Do you have any ideas?" Asked Zhan.

"You can call me Wangji. Like the one on that series you like so much."

"Wangji? You mean Lan Wangji? Lan Zhan? The Untamed?"

"Yes, the Untamed. I watched almost every episode with you."

"Ah haha. So you were really always with me?"

"Yes, of course. So can I call myself Wangji until I remember my real name?"

"If that's what you want, then yes. Then I'll call you Wangji from now on."

"When are we going to the Wang's? I'm also interested why they didn't tell you what really happened between them and their son."

"I was planning to go there this afternoon. If you were with me the whole time, did you notice anything I couldn't see?"

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