-56- Just we

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-56- Just we

Meanwhile, Zhan has been back home and back together with Yibo for a week. The two of them spent the last days exclusively as a couple and a lot of time of it in bed. In the other time they just talked a lot, at least during the first three days. About Yibo's studies, his wish to help others by opening the office and about Zhan's training and his joy to work as a reporter again soon.

And so slowly Zhan also got used to the hectic life of the big city again. Just like he got used to the new, more mature Yibo. Did he really think that after three and a half years, he and Yibo would still be the same people as they were then? Now Zhan had to laugh about himself, because he really thought he would see the same Yibo he was back then.

What they did not talk about was Yibo's mother. Yibo didn't want it and Zhan respected that. He also had little desire to talk about Sanya and maybe upset Yibo. Instead, they simply enjoyed the time they had together before the daily routine would finally catch up with them and they might not be able to spend as much time together besides their work.

However, on this evening they did not think about the coming time, but only about this evening. Yibo had persuaded Zhan to go to the club with him. He asked Zhan to finally keep his promise and dance with him properly. Zhan was not very excited about this, and he and Yibo had already danced before they parted and a week ago when they met again.

But for Yibo this was not enough. Because Yibo said to Zhan that he wanted Zhan to see him dancing. He also wants to prove to Zhan that he can teach Zhan how to dance. Zhan inevitably had to start laughing and insisted that he just couldn't dance. Not in the way Yibo might have imagined. But since Zhan wanted to see how Yibo dances, especially now that he can move properly again, he agreed and they went to the club.

No sooner had they arrived there than Yibo dragged Zhan behind him onto the dance floor and it wasn't long before Yibo attracted the attention of other guests. Because as soon as he had started to dance, not only Zhan watched him speechlessly, but also all the others. They clapped and whistled as Yibo moved his body as if it had been made exclusively for dancing.

And not for the first time, Yibo amazed Zhan. Zhan had always known that Yibo was an impressive and very talented man. And tonight was another proof of that. Yibo's movements were so eye-catching that Zhan could not take his eyes off him for a moment. And now that Yibo had also attracted the attention of the other guests, Zhan was only more insecure about his own dancing talent. Because if he made a mistake now, he would embarrass not only himself but Yibo as well.

But Yibo led Zhan so safely and confidently that there was no mistake and Zhan managed to put his fear aside and just let himself fall. Until someone came to them, who then introduced himself to Zhan as Lian.

Although Zhan had been eagerly awaiting the whole week to meet the man who seems to have some influence on Yibo. But he wasn't really looking forward to meeting him tonight of all nights. And if Zhan interpreted the look of Yibo correctly, then Yibo was also anything but enthusiastic to see Lian here.

Quickly the dance for two became a dance for three, which not only disturbed Zhan, but also seemed to him to be dubious. The 22 year old Lian, didn't even seem to notice that he was anything but welcome. Or he just didn't bother. Unlike Zhan, who would have loved to leave the dance floor immediately and go to a table.

After fifteen minutes on the dance floor in a threesome, Yibo took Zhan's hand and dragged him to a free table with him. Lian followed the two unasked and Zhan saw how Yibo's mood apparently worsened. Which had seemed a little strange to Zhan. Sure they wanted to be together, but he would soon open an office with Lian and the way Yibo behaved just now, it didn't look like the two of them were even remotely friends.

Dance with Me! [YiZhan Mystery FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now