-26- One day as a couple

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-26- One day as a couple

Already in the early morning, when the day began and darkness was swallowed up by daylight, the sun shone brightly in the sky. After days of cold and rain, this autumn finally showed a beautiful and mild day. And for two young men this was a day they wanted to make use of.

Zhan sat at his desk and quickly wrote an article about the last fashion show before sending it to his chief editor. He lied to his boss in the morning when he called him and told him he had an important outside appointment and couldn't make it to the office today. In reality, however, he and Yibo have a special day planned.

Yibo has been back for two days and apart from sitting in Zhan's room and talking a lot, cuddling and kissing every now and then, they have done nothing else. They would have loved to go outside, but with wind and rain, at least Zhan wouldn't have enjoyed it for long. And he probably would have caught a cold as well.

But today was a beautiful day, a sunny and mild day and finally they could do something together. Even though nobody else can see who is at Zhan's side and who makes him look so happy, he doesn't care, as long as he can spend the day with Yibo at his side.

Just after 9 am Zhan finished working on the article and sent it by email to his boss. Afterwards Zhan and Yibo started together. They sat down in Zhan's car and just drove off. Their day together as a couple began for them in the park, where they went for a walk and sat on a bench by the lake in the sun for a while.

Zhan had always admired the lake. Even though it was not formed naturally and kept clean by chemical products, he was fascinated by the way the sunlight reflected and shone on the turquoise water. Here and there a couple of ducks swam and a squirrel, safely preparing for its winter sleep, crawled up and down a tree.

All the while Yibo held Zhan's hand and both smiled. Both didn't talk much, maybe because there wasn't much to talk about, or maybe because they were afraid to say what was really on their minds.

It had been Yibo who said to Zhan that he wanted a day as a couple. A day where they could do the things that other normal couples do. Even though they are anything but a normal couple. Zhan didn't have to ask why. He realized that Yibo also had to think about what would happen when he returned to his body. Zhan sensed that Yibo was also afraid to forget all that the two had together.

After the park, the two of them went to a restaurant and the waitress looked at Zhan like he was crazy when he said he wanted a table for two and then ordered food for two. Yibo couldn't eat anything and he didn't need to, but at least he pretended to eat and so both felt like a date despite everything. Only sometimes Zhan wished that the waitress, who looked at him annoyed, could see what a handsome man with him he is in this restaurant.

At 2 pm the two went to the cinema for the first screening of the day. To the displeasure of both, nothing but children's films were shown, but they still knew how to pass their time. Holding hands and kissing each other, one can also make a boring movie into a nice time.

When two hours later the two of them were standing in the city by the city fountain, Zhan threw a coin into the water and made a wish. It was not difficult to guess what he wished for. He actually only had one real wish. And even if he knew that this wish would not come true, at least he could try.

They remained sitting by the fountain for quite a while and looked silently at the water. A breath of melancholy was in the air. Even though Zhan had promised not to think about it that day, he could not forget about the early farewell to Yibo. The evening before, his little brother had called him and told him that he might know where the body of Yibo is.

Zhan had suggested to investigate and check it as soon as possible. But Yibo said: "I want to have at least one day as a couple with you before. Even though I am only a lost soul, I want us to be a normal couple for one day and do things that other couples do. And only then will I be ready to check with you whether my body is there or not."

Neither of them would have expected that it would happen the very next day. And only one day after their day as a couple, they will go to the nursing home and check if Yibo is really there or not. And since it's tomorrow, Zhan can't think about anything else. Again and again he asks himself the question, what if Yibo's body is really there?

As Zhan and Yibo were about to leave, a boy came running towards Zhan. He looked at Zhan with his big eyes and asked, "Do you know who I am? Can you see me?" And Zhan got goose bumps all over again. Another lost soul and another child. And this little boy looked no older than five or six years.

Yibo crouched down next to the boy and stroked him on the head. "I'm sure my boyfriend will figure out who you are and where you belong." He said to him.

"Mmm, for now you should come with us. And then tomorrow we'll see how I can help you." Said Zhan calmly. Zhan was a little upset that his day with Yibo was over. But who knows, maybe they'll have a day or two more after all and can catch up on what they didn't manage today.

Back in the apartment, they, now three, sat in Zhan's room and Zhan watched Yibo and the little boy playing. A sight Zhan could get used to. Only when Zhan got tired and wanted to sleep, he wished that souls also had to rest.

And because souls don't need sleep and the little boy is a bright little fellow, Zhan didn't get much sleep. Again and again he jumped up and down on the bed, shook Zhan and asked him if he was asleep yet and asked Zhan again and again to tell him a story.

At some point Yibo grabbed the little one and the two of them left Zhan's room so that he could at least get a few hours of sleep. But of course, it wasn't enough, so he sat at the breakfast table in the morning, quite tired and with dark circles around his eyes, struggling to stay awake.

After breakfast and an almost cold shower, Zhan drove to the children's hospital together with Yibo and the little one. But unlike the other two souls, the boy's soul did not react. Nothing happened and Zhan was at a loss.

They drove from one hospital to the next, but the result remained the same. Was the soul of the boy simply still there because he might have died and just didn't know it? Or couldn't leave because he didn't know his name?

Hour after hour went by without the boy's soul reacting, and Zhan ran out of options. Besides, he and Yibo wanted to check out the nursing home where Yibo's body might be lying. Although Zhan would like to put that off.

Zhan knows how much Yibo wants all his memories back, not just bits and pieces. And most importantly, Zhan knows how much Yibo wants to be human again. And Zhan doesn't want to stand in the way of Yibo's wish, just because of his feelings for him. Even if that means Yibo won't remember him.

But Zhan didn't give up all hope. Because the human Yibo has a crush on Zhan and he wants to find Zhan. And when Yibo is a human again, he might really look for Zhan and the two of them could not only see each other again, but also get to know each other again. Even if Zhan would always remember how Yibo took his hand and said, "Dance with me."

Are they about to say their goodbyes? Will Zhan find the boy's body? More about this story in the next chapter. After I slept and came back from work, of course.

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