-15- The Shaman

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-15- The Shaman

Zhan, however, had more questions for Wang Yibo's two friends from Korea. For example, how an eye-sick man and a weak woman, not taller than 1.60 meters, are supposed to have caused Yibo's accident. Wooseok said, he doesn't claim that the parents did it themselves, but that they definitely know who was involved.

When Zhan asked why the parents still wanted to get rid of him even though they were dependent on Yibo's income, Seungyoun said, "I'm not sure if they really wanted to get rid of him anymore. Until just before he disappeared, they got along well again and they talked openly again, just like before."

"So it's possible his parents had nothing to do with this?" Zhan asked.

"We're not sure. Yibo always told us everything. Every problem he had at home with his parents. But until just before his accident, everything was suddenly fine. And we don't know if it was real or if his parents were just faking it." Seungyoun replied.

"His mother told me that she finally accepted his homosexuality after Hai Kuan explained to her once again that Yibo is the same as before and still her son. She even told me that he was in Beijing and he told her that he saw someone he liked." Explained Zhan.

"Yes, that's right. Yibo also told us about this man. He was blown away by him and even called us when he saw the man. He said he was very interested in learning more about him. But he was not brave enough to approach him. Although we kept telling him to try it. I guess if even his mother knows about it, they really talked about everything lately." Wooseok replied.

"I suppose that maybe there was a change in his parents' minds and they realized that Yibo is the same as ever and that he is not different just because he is gay. But something else. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of him yet, which would make it a lot easier for me to find him. His mother doesn't hand out any pictures of him and in the social networks I didn't find any of him either. Do you by any chance have a picture that I could use for the search?" Zhan wanted to know.

"Sorry, no. I mean, back home in Seoul, we have lots of pictures. But not here. We used to have them on our cell phones. But at some point, we printed out the pictures right away and then removed them from the phone. Wooseok still had a lot of pictures on his cell phone until recently, also of Yibo. But his cell phone fell into the water when we were at the river and looked around. He could pull it out right away, but it was completely destroyed." Seungyoun explained.

"We'll leave for Seoul in two weeks. We can send you pictures from home. We have some on the computer too. We can send them to your email address." Suggested Wooseok.

Since Zhan had no other choice anyway and the two are the only ones who can send him a picture of Yibo, he agreed and gave them his email address. Moreover, they also exchanged their phone numbers, so that they can stay in touch.

When saying goodbye, Zhan told them that he wanted to see if he could trust Yibo's parents. He decided to talk to them about what he had heard about them today. And depending on what they told him, he would decide whether he would keep them informed or better keep it all to himself.

After the two Koreans had left and Zhan had eaten a little snack, he made his way to his grandmother. His parents asked him to inform them immediately if he knew where she was. They would have liked to come themselves. But Zhan's parents had to work. They are both social therapists for children and teenagers. And they don't work in a cozy, bright office, but are out on the streets with street workers, like Zhan's older sister is.

They walk through the streets and talk to children and teenagers and help them when they have problems. They have helped many children and many more young people and Zhan appreciated that they would have helped Yibo as well if he had turned to them.

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