-43- Dispute

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-43- Dispute

A/N: We dare another leap forward. But don't worry, just like last time, it won't be too far. At least, no years haha. Have fun reading.

When Yibo awoke from his coma eight months ago, the doctors and therapists reckoned that it would take him about a year to rebuild his muscles and to be able to walk again independently and without help. But Yibo has shown it to them all and has worked so hard on himself that already after these eight months he can walk freely and without help again. Zhan was more than proud of him for that.

Since Yibo woke up, he and Zhan have been a couple and live together in Zhan's family home. Zhan would describe their relationship as harmonious and balanced, even though they still haven't taken the final step in their relationship. Sure, they also wanted to sleep together, but first they wanted to wait until Yibo is fully recovered and now it seems that neither of them wants to take the first step. Anyway, that's how it seemed to Zhan.

Now that Yibo no longer needs Zhan's help, Zhan takes a little more time to search for lost souls he can help. But somehow, business didn't really work out. Many souls he approached had simply ignored him or simply didn't want his help. Still he did not give up.

Twice a week he accompanied his parents and his big sister on the streets to support them in their work with the children and young people. Meanwhile, Yibo prepares for university. Or rather, writes applications. Every second weekend Yibo spends with his father and brother in the village. Since the court case against his father, Yibo and his father got closer again and work on a good father-son relationship.

Zhan was happy for Yibo, even though Zhan has never been invited to spend the weekend with Yibo's family. Sometimes it really bothers Zhan, because he and Yibo are a couple and it would have been nice if they would at least ask him if he wants to come.

Today is Monday and Yibo had spent the last weekend with his father. Zhan met up with his friends and everything seemed to be fine when Yibo came home on Sunday evening. Still believing that he and Yibo talk about everything openly and have no secrets from each other, he accompanied his parents and sister to work again. But then, around noon, when he went to a restaurant to get something to eat, Zhan realized that there were obviously things in his and Yibo's relationship that they didn't talk about.

He brought the food to his family and told them he was going home because he needed to talk to Yibo. He had even made another round on the way home to at least cool off a bit. It just didn't help and he got even angrier.

When Zhan finally entered the house and saw Yibo sitting at the desk in their room, he wanted to get loud immediately. But instead, he took a deep breath and asked Yibo, "Is there perhaps something you forgot to tell me?"

Yibo looked at him confused and said, "No, why? What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about your plans for the university."

"Oh, you mean this. Well, I've applied to lots of universities now, but apparently I have to apply to other universities that aren't in Beijing, too."

"Like, the United States?"

"What?" Asked Yibo and looked at Zhan in shock.

"I'm trying to be really calm now and hope you can explain this to me"

"ZhanZhan, I..."

"You know, I would have expected you to talk to me about your worries as well as your plans. But no. So I go to the restaurant to get something to eat, and I accidentally run into your father and brother. And your father tells me something that really puzzled me, because I didn't know anything about it until just now." Zhan said, feeling the blood boil in his veins from being so angry.

"Zhan, it was just a thought."

"Oh, yeah? Well, that's not what it sounded. What did your father say? Oh, yeah, you told him that you wanted to go to university, but you didn't want me to finance your studies. You'd already OWE enough to me and my family because we supply you with everything you need and you have no way of paying us back. He also said that he offered to finance your studies, but only if you will live together as a family again. I mean hello? I didn't even know your dad gave up the house and now has a house in Beijing with your brother. And your dad said that you said that since he and Hai Kuan now live in Beijing, you could well imagine living with them again. Then you wouldn't be draining money from me and my family."

"Zhan, we talked about that, it's true. But it' s not definite yet. And it' true, you and your family are paying for everything for me and I can't give you anything in return. And now you want to pay my tuition. But I don't want to be dependent on you. I don't want a relationship where I feel like I have a sugar daddy. I don't want to see you like this. I love you and I want us to be on the same level. I feel bad that you have to pay everything for me."

"Then why haven't you ever said anything? Couldn't you have talked to me about this before? Why do I have to hear about this from your father and your brother? Would it have been so bad to share your thoughts and worries with me?"

"How could I do that Zhan? You were always trying so hard to please me, to read my every wish from my eyes, that I didn't know how to tell you. Whenever I tried, I felt guilty just thinking about talking to you. And would you have listened to me at all and understood? From the beginning you didn't even ask me if I was okay with you paying for everything. Yes, I was happy to find a home at your and your family's house, that you helped and supported me so much. But I also have to learn to cope on my own. Without your help, or your family's. And I also have my own family, who even moved here to Beijing because of me. And just because I might be living with them again and my father is paying for my university studies, doesn't mean that we are breaking up or drifting apart. I love you and that's not gonna change."

"Your father also said that you applied to several universities in the USA. He said you have relatives there, an uncle you could stay with if you were accepted. I don't know what you think, but I think it's a long way from here. It's not even in this country anymore. We can't even get on a plane on a weekend to visit each other. Have you thought about that?"

"I have, Zhan. That's why I hesitated about applying to universities in the US. But to be honest, all I get here is rejection. No matter how good my grades were, no university will accept me. And you yourself want me to go to university and make something of myself. So what choice do I have?"

"Honestly, I don't know what to say or think right now, Yibo. I'm gonna go change my clothes and go out and try to clear my head. Maybe I'll go visit my grandmother for a few days. Because I need to process everything first."

"Zhan please don't go away, stay here and let's talk about this in peace ok? I don't want to make decisions without you."

"You already decided Yibo. You decided to keep your worries to yourself. You decided to apply to schools in the US without my knowledge. You decided to be independent and move in with your family. Do you understand Yibo? You have already decided. And, one more thing, I never, ever saw myself as your Sugar Daddy!" Zhan said and left the room.

He knew that he had also done many things wrong. Just like he knew Yibo was right. But the thought that Yibo makes such decisions without talking to him first hurt him. Because if Yibo couldn't talk to him openly about such things, what did it mean for the relationship and the trust in each other?

When Zhan was sitting in his car on the way to his grandmother's house, Yibo tried to call him several times. Just before he reached his grandmother's house, Zhan made a stop and said to Yibo, "Let's use the coming days and think about how we should continue. Think about what you want and let me know when I come back."

He said it as calmly as he could. As soon as he hung up, the tears came. He was annoyed with himself and with the fact that he had obviously never really listened to Yibo and had never spoken to him about his wishes. Was that perhaps the reason why Yibo did not want to sleep with him? Because Yibo felt crushed and misunderstood by him?

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