-27- Farmer's victim

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-27- Farmer's victim

After their unsuccessful search for the boy's body, Zhan and Yibo talked about the search for Yibo's body. After all, three days before, it had been very important for him to finally find his body. But that evening, Yibo had changed his mind, at least for the time being. Now he told Zhan that it was more important for him to help the boy first and then they could search for his body.

And they would have to keep looking for Yibo's body, because as it turned out, his body is not in the nursing home, which Zhan's little brother mentioned. They passed this nursing home that morning and Zhan, against Yibo's will, went to the nursing home and was shown the patient without a name that his brother was talking about.

The nurse said he had been there for a year and all attempts to find out who the patient was had failed. She brought Zhan into the patient's room and at first sight Zhan knew that this was not Yibo's body. The two do not even look similar.

When Zhan came out of the nursing home, Yibo was so angry with him that he yelled at him and asked, "Are you trying to get rid of me so badly that you couldn't resist going in there?"

"First of all, I definitely don't want to get rid of you, secondly it's not your body and thirdly you told me you wanted to find your body so that we could both have a relationship, one between two humans! And I just wanted to see if it was your body or not." Zhan replied angrily.

If it were up to Zhan, he would never let Yibo go. But of course it' s not possible. And not just because a man and a soul can't have a real relationship. But also because a lost soul can't wander in this world forever. Through his grandmother, Zhan knows that a soul can only remain in this world for a certain amount of time before it simply dissolves and disappears into nothingness.

"Sooner or later a soul will slowly fade away until there is nothing left of it. It will simply disappear and cannot be reborn. Imagine all the lost souls would walk in this world forever. Then you, my dear grandson, could not take one more step, because there would simply be no room left. You would hardly be able to see any humans, because all around you there would be souls in search. And a soul that maybe left its body 200 years ago will never find its body, never get its name. Imagine that soul would continue walking and searching in the world of the living forever? And so that something like that could happen, souls only have a certain period of time in this world before they disappear. But it varies from soul to soul how long they stay. Some disappear after a few weeks, others after many years, depending on how strong the soul is. But in the end, they all disappear." His granny told him that when he spoke to her on the phone.

Zhan doesn't want Yibo's soul to just disappear. He has to find Yibo's body, even if he's afraid of the afterwards, he just has to be able to reunite Yibo with his body.

However, Zhan was also happy to be able to spend some more time with Yibo. At least until they find the boy's body.

After another short night, Zhan sat at his notebook in the morning and looked at the missing children's reports, he checked if there were any accidents where a child was injured and also reports of failed surgeries. But none of what Zhan had found fitted the little boy. Perhaps, Zhan thought, it was some time ago that he left his body, or nothing was reported.

And just as Zhan was about to get dressed to go with Yibo and the boy to visit other nursing homes that also have children in their care, his cell phone rang. The investigator called him and said he needed to talk to him. It was about the testimony of Yibo's mother. Zhan had asked the investigator to tell him what he could get out of her.

So Zhan, along with the two souls, went to the police headquarters to meet with the investigator. He took Zhan to an office to talk to him undisturbed. Zhan was very nervous and wondered what the investigator would tell him. What reasons could Yibo's mother have had to want to kill him. And the officer didn't wait long to tell Zhan what Yibo's mother had said.

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