-49- That laughter

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-49- That laughter

A/N: Wow already chapter 49, before we take a leap in time to reunite Zhan and Yibo, in this chapter we will see how Yibo is doing now that he went to the USA to study. And in chapter 50, we will celebrate their reunion together with them. Any idea how and where the two will meet?

Yibo was sitting at his desk in his room, he lives with his uncle now so he doesn't have to live in a dormitory. But he didn't feel comfortable there and he wasn't welcome there either. Again and again he clashed with his uncle. At first he was annoyed that Yibo was in love with a man. Then that his English is not so good. Then he didn't want to understand that Yibo still couldn't go to work again because his physical strength wasn't good enough and then he had something to complain about how much time Yibo spent talking to Zhan's family on the phone.

Again and again over the past four weeks, Yibo had called Zhan's family at home to ask them if they could reach Zhan or if he had contacted them. And each time, they told him that they had not heard from him. It frustrated Yibo. He missed Zhan so much that he even physically felt the pain from the separation. Even now, four weeks later.

He would have loved to talk to Zhan at least once in a while, just to hear his voice for a moment. But since their breakup, Zhan had neither answered his messages nor even turned on his cell phone to be reachable. Zhan broke off all contact with everyone and didn't get in touch with anyone.

Yibo would have preferred to get on the next plane and fly back home. Home to Zhan and his family. He simply missed all of them and regretted having been persuaded so quickly to go to the USA.

He was also still angry because Zhan didn't want to spend at least the remaining days with him. Of course, he could understand Zhan's side, but that doesn't make it better. Especially because his father was ranting about Zhan all the time and kept saying that he wasn't worth the tears of Yibo when he just pissed off, simply because it gets complicated. At some point it became too stupid for Yibo and he shouted at his father to stop talking bad about Zhan, because after all he had been there for him all the time, whereas his father wasn't for years.

After that they didn't talk to each other all day long and only when Hai Kuan spoke to both of them did they talk. But Yibo had not forgiven him. Nor had he forgiven him for telling Zhan that he had made his decision long ago. His father had deliberately lied to Zhan and that is why Zhan and Yibo even had a dispute. How could he forgive his father for that?

Every night before going to bed, as Yibo got used to in California, Yibo goes jogging slowly for an hour. It helps him to clear his head a bit and later on fall asleep.

But apart from all this, there was something that had been confusing Yibo for weeks. Again and again he could hear voices even though nobody was there and laughing children even though nobody was around him. Sometimes he searched for the source for up to an hour but found nothing.

Fearing that he might be mentally ill or something was wrong with his brain, he even visited several doctors. But they all certified him to be in perfect health. He was all the more confused when the frequency of voices and laughter increased.

And just when he thought he might have to have himself admitted to a clinic for the insane, he met a medium. And what he told him left him speechless, at least for a moment.

Yibo sat on a bench on the beach and watched the people who were either lying on the beach getting a tan, swimming in the sea or doing some kind of sports, when a Chinese man sat down next to him. The elderly man smiled at Yibo and said in Chinese: "You need a soul guide to help you with these lost souls."

Yibo looked at the man with eyes wide open. He couldn't believe this man was a medium. "Are you a soul guide?" He asked.

"No, boy, I'm not. But your boyfriend. Well, he's not here, right?"

"Mmm, he's in training to help souls."

"You miss him a lot, don't you? You think about him all the time and you just can't stop thinking about him."

"That's right. I miss him so much that I'm in pain all over my body."

"I see. But the problem is, if you're not careful, you'll soon be surrounded by lost souls. They're drawn to you because you love a soul guide, and they're looking for him in you. You need to calm down and trust yourself and your boyfriend. Trust that you will see each other again. It'll take a while, but you'll be able to be together again." Said the old man.

"But why can I hear the lost souls? I am not a medium like my boyfriend."

"You will get that answer as soon as you get back to your boyfriend. Unfortunately, you will have to wait until then. But then you will find all your answers."

"What am I supposed to do until then? I can't just stop thinking about him, I can't stop missing him so terribly. I just want to see him again or at least hear his voice. I just want to know how he is."

"Your boyfriend is fine. He's with a very special person, learning how to be a real spiritual leader. You' re gonna meet that special person, too."

Yibo looked at the grey-haired old man with the long beard. Somehow he felt like he knew him. But then again, he didn't. The old man looked confusing enough to Yibo because of his long beard, but then there was the traditional clothing that made him stand out from the crowd. Again and again the glances of others were on the two and Yibo was uncomfortable. He did not like being stared at, and certainly not because an old gray-haired, long-bearded man was sitting next to him with clothes that perhaps everyone in China wore more than a hundred years ago.

But somehow it also reminded him of when he was still a lost soul, and unnoticed by Zhan, watching the series The Untamed with him. "What is your name?" He asked the old one.

"Huang, Wang Huang is my name."

"Oh, my name is Wang Yibo. What a coincidence that we both meet here and have the same name!"

"Mmm, a total coincidence." The old man replied.

"It's good to talk to someone who doesn't criticize me for my love for Zhan. Thanks."

"If you want, we can meet and talk more often. I'm an old man and have a lot of time and I would be happy to have someone to talk to from time to time. I don't know anybody here and I often feel lonely."

"Do you live here in California?"

"Yeah, for about a week now. My daughter bought me a house here because she thinks the warmth here would do me good. But she seems to have forgotten that I'm all alone here. You must be going to university. Do you live in the dorm?"

"Yes, I go to university. But I live with my uncle and I have to take the bus to the university every day. I don't think my uncle likes me. He probably doesn't like me living with him either.

"We've only known each other half an hour, but if you want, you can move in with me. I live near the campus, so it's only a five-minute walk. Plus, there's a spare room at my house that I'm sure no one will ever use."

"Are you serious? You'd let me move in with you even though you don't even know me?" Yibo asked, amazed.

"Yes. I think you're a good boy and I think we'll get along great"

" Mmm, and maybe you could tell me about my ZhanZhan from time to time. And I could tell you everything I know about him."

"I'd like that very much. If you want, we can go back to my place and I'll show you the room." The old man suggested. Yibo agreed and went with him. He looked at the house and the room and liked it right away. He was comfortable with the old man even though he didn't know him. And the same day, Yibo moved in with him and all his uncle said to say goodbye was that he should stop daydreaming and finally face reality.

Wang Huang on the other hand told him to never stop dreaming and to hold on to his wishes. And already after a few days at the old one in the house, Yibo felt better. He still had to think a lot about Zhan, but talking with Wang Huang about Zhan helped him very much. And so Yibo was sure that together and thanks to Wang Huang, he would survive the time until the reunion with Zhan.

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