-58- Yibo's decision / Zhan's bitter farewell

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-58- Yibo's decision / Zhan's bitter farewell

It's Saturday and in two days' time Zhan's workday will begin again. He is already very much looking forward to working in the editorial office again and is eager to see how his old colleagues will react when they see him at the editorial meeting on Monday morning.

Over the past few days, he and Yibo have been using their time together, intensively and exclusively with each other, and rarely let others disturb them. And although they spent so much time together, it just never seemed to be enough. Sometimes Zhan wished the day had more hours or that he would need less sleep to get more from Yibo. It almost seemed like he and Yibo were desperately trying to pack the past three and a half years into just those two weeks and make up for everything they missed.

But of course, something like this is not possible, which both men were aware of. Nevertheless they both felt this inner pressure.

However, there were still a few things that had to be clarified. First of all, whether Yibo wanted to have contact to his mother again? At least for the time she still had left. Or if he really doesn't want to see her again. And then there is also Yibo's father, who also tried to convince Yibo that a relationship with another man isn't well received in society. And if Yibo really wants to be with Zhan, he should keep it a secret. And that's exactly what Yibo doesn't want.

Over the past few days, Zhan and Yibo had talked about Yibo's father again and again. And again and again Yibo had said that he doesn't want to have any more contact with his father. Especially not since he broke off contact with Hai Kuan half a year ago after he found out that Hai Kuan and Cheng are a couple.

Sadly, Yibo's father's eye disease returned and so he is once again in need of help. Help that Yibo would have gladly refused him, just like his big brother does. And Zhan could understand that very well. But on the other hand, Yibo was also worried, because apart from him, his father had no one else left. And whether he liked it or not, he was still his father despite everything. At least these were the reasons he mentioned to Zhan whenever Yibo went to see his father.

Zhan was not very enthusiastic about the fact that Yibo let himself be harnessed by his father and even cared for him, although he knew that his apparently homophobic father not only detested Zhan, but even threw his eldest son out of the house after his homosexuality came out. And besides, Zhan felt that Mr. Wang deserved no help and no pity after what he had done to Yibo at that time.

Even though years have passed and Yibo has forgiven him Zhan could neither forget nor forgive. This man should not be allowed to call himself father in Zhan's eyes. Often Zhan thought desperately how much bad luck Yibo had with his parents, whether it was his mother who abandoned him and made a decision for him that she should not have made. Or his father, who always looked away when Yibo was bullied by his stepmother. Three parents and all three were shitty and treated Yibo like dirt.

When Zhan came out of the bathroom after the shower, Yibo had just returned from his father and as always Yibo was silent for a while. Zhan assumed, to calm himself down a little bit. And then later, when he calm down again, he will tell Zhan what he had to be upset about today.

But since Yibo was more silent than usual this time, Zhan thought that things had really fallen apart again between him and his father. But when Yibo finally spoke, he said, "I have made a decision."

"Well, what is it?" Zhan asked confusedly, because Yibo left open what the decision was.

"I'm going to talk to my mother today. She doesn't deserve it, but she was no worse than my father and I' m in contact with him too."

"Um, okay." Zhan said. What else could he say? Forbid Yibo to talk to his own parents?

"I called my mom on the way over here and told her I wanted to meet up with her. I know that she and Hai Kuan have reconnected and met often. And I want that too. Even after all this, she is and will remain my mother, and maybe I can manage to forgive her before she dies."

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