-17- Suspicion

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-17- Suspicion

Arriving at the scene of the accident again, Zhan stopped the car once more and wanted to take a picture of the road section. But he didn't get around to it, because Wangji was still feeling bad and suddenly he was suffering from pain all over his body. Zhan almost panicked, because how could he help him if he couldn't even touch him? After all, he could not just take him to a doctor.

Zhan quickly started the engine again and drove off. He just wanted to take Wangji away from there. And the farther they got away from the village and the road, the better he seemed to feel. But to distract him a little bit until he was well again, Zhan asked him a question that had been on his mind since their first met. "Wangji, why did you kiss me in the club?"

"Why did you return the kiss ZhanZhan? To be honest. You didn't know me until then. I've been following you for a while and knew you well. I've wanted to kiss you for a long time. But until that night, I hadn't been able to possess anybody." Wangji replied.

"I returned the kiss because somehow my mouth started to work by itself. I can't explain it otherwise. I didn't intend to go into it, it just happened."

"Mmm, just like at the cinema or in the dark alley, huh? I think you liked it and that's why you kissed me back. Anyway, I hope you liked it. Because I liked it a lot and I enjoyed it a lot." Wangji said.

Zhan liked the kiss and of course the other kisses as well. But, he still had a hard time admitting it. All this was completely new to him. The kissing, as well as liking the fact that a man kissed him. He had no idea until that night at the club that he would like a man. Even though his parents kept saying that they could imagine him with a man rather than a woman.

But Zhan always thought this was just fun on his own expense. Simply to annoy him because he had never kissed or dated a woman before.

But when he told them he now had a girlfriend, his parents were not very enthusiastic. It made him think twice. Yet he never assumed that his parents actually saw him with just a man. His mother told him that he was fooling himself. She had known a long time before that Zhan would one day, make a man very happy and not a woman. And she told him to his face, to stop denying himself.

That was the first time he saw his mother so angry. And it was also the first time he had been angry at his mother. He thought she might want a gay son and that's why he pushed him so hard to look for men.

But now, after he and Wangji kissed, he was confused and wondered if his parents and especially his mother were right. Had he really only been kidding himself? Did he choose a girlfriend out of defiance? Had Luna Li been just an alibi girlfriend after all, so that he would not have to admit that he was not attracted to women? Did he therefore have to plan the first kiss, which never took place, with Luna Li?

Zhan looked at Wangji for a moment and thought about his question, before he finally said, "I liked the kisses with you. But it also confused me. Because I didn't know that I would like a man kissing me."

"I don't remember my name or my past. But somehow I still know that I like men, and I guess I must have always liked them." Wangji replied.

This was another thing that he and Wang Yibo shared. Since earlier, Zhan had these suspicious moments, where he wondered if Wangji and Wang Yibo were one and the same person? During a phone call with his grandmother a few weeks ago, she had explained to Zhan once again that a lost soul, when confronted with its past, reacts physically. And Wangji had reacted physically very violently.

"Do you know how long you've been wandering as a lost soul?" Zhan asked.

"Why do you ask that?"

"I am interested. I just want to investigate a suspicion and see if it can be confirmed."

"I don't know. I have no sense of time, and while I was walking around aimlessly, I didn't care about time. Maybe it doesn't matter if you're not a human being."

"I see. Too bad. I wish I could have known."

"Do you think I could be Wang Yibo? Shouldn't I start remembering like your granny said?"

"My grandmother said memories come back when the lost soul finds its body. But she also said when a soul is confronted with the past, it reacts physically, like you did before."

"So if I am really Wang Yibo, I'd rather not have memories of my past. Because what his mother told you, is enough for me to hate her."

"Well, according to his mother, he has forgiven his parents."

"Do you really believe that? Do you think a, I'm sorry, would be enough to excuse two years of torture and forget about it?"

"Frankly, no. I can't imagine Yibo really forgave them that easily. Maybe he was just pretending to forgive them." Zhan replied.

Both men remained silent for the rest of the drive and thought about Wang Yibo and his parents. Zhan didn't believe that he could just forgive them. Even if they are his parents. What they did to him, what they were willing to do to him, couldn't be forgiven so quickly. No matter how much he loved his parents.

When they were back in Beijing, Zhan went straight to the editorial office and explained the current state of affairs to his chief editor. He couldn't believe what a life Wang Yibo had and even asked if he could have disappeared voluntarily. "I would have run away anyway." Had he said to Zhan.

But Zhan knew Wang Yibo wouldn't have just run away. He didn't know where to go anyway, and supported his parents financially. Probably so that they wouldn't kick him out and he'd still have a roof over his head.

In his office, Zhan was sitting at his computer typing up all this new information. After all, he can't know beforehand if all this information will be useful in any way. Again and again he looked at Wangji, who was sitting at the window, looking out in silence. He wondered what was going through his mind.

Zhan wished he could help Wangji or at least cheer him up a bit. If he were a human, he would take him in his arms and hug him. He would tell him that he is not alone and that he will always be there for him. But he can't hug a lost soul, he can't do anything but talk to him and that's exactly what Wangji didn't want at the moment.

When Zhan was about to shut down his computer, his phone beeped. He received a message from Wooseok, he wrote him that he had asked a roommate to take a picture of one of Wang Yibo's pictures and send it to him. He would send that picture to Zhan in a few moments.

Impatiently, Zhan stared at the telephone. The computer was completely forgotten. Only to Wangji he said that he would get a picture of Wang Yibo right away. Wangji came to him immediately and stood next to Zhan. Both stared banished at the mobile phone until it finally beeped. Zhan downloaded the file and opened it. The next moment, he almost dropped his cell phone.

He stared at Wangji and said, "Well, I guess I'd better call you Yibo from now on." Zhan was shocked and couldn't believe his suspicions were confirmed. And he felt sorry for Yibo, because he wished so much not to be Wang Yibo.

"I don't want to be Wang Yibo. I need a moment to myself." So Yibo said, and he left. And Zhan could do nothing but watch Wang Yibo disappear before him.

Stunned that Wang Yibo really is a lost soul and Zhan was so close to him all the time, Zhan turned off the computer and hoped Yibo would be back soon. At the same time he thought about how and where he should find the body of Yibo. There were so many possibilities, but none of them were in Zhan's mind. He was just too shocked right now to think about it. "Poor Yibo." He whispered before staring at the picture on his phone again.

What's going to happen? Will Yibo come back to Zhan?

A/N: Wrote a chapter quickly before starting work. Later there will be more!

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