-6- Almost forgotten

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-6- Almost forgotten

At first, days passed and then finally weeks went by in which there were no further incidents. Neither did Zhan meet the handsome stranger again, nor did any images of him show a light figure, and neither did the old pendant on his necklace glow. And finally Zhan told himself that he had suffered from mental confusion for a while.

He had just imagined everything because there were people who wanted to tell him something. He still couldn't explain the images, but by now he had almost forgotten them. He returned to his normal everyday life, with his normal work and his normal friends.

And his normal life also includes his normal girlfriend. Luna Li had been abroad for several weeks. As a model she gets around a lot and is sometimes not at home for several weeks. But now, after almost four weeks, she was back again and Zhan had a date with her. And maybe he would finally get to kiss her today.

Freshly showered, Zhan came out of the bathroom and stood in front of the wardrobe in his room. He had even bought some new clothes for his date with Luna Li. Zhan took them out of the closet and put them on his bed. He dried his hair and then dressed himself.

Zhan looked thoughtfully at his grandmother's necklace and wondered if he should wear it today. But since he didn't feel like explaining to Luna Li why he was wearing that necklace, he left it on his desk.

He was about to leave his room when a few sheets fell from his desk. Zhan automatically looked at his window, but it was closed. And he hadn't even reached his room door. So how could the sheets fall off the table?

Slowly Zhan went back to his desk, collected the sheets and put them back on the desk. Then he turned around and was about to run back to the door when something fell off the desk again. His grandmother's necklace! Zhan picked up the necklace and looked at it, thoughtfully: "So I should wear it, what?" He asked without looking at any particular point.

Of course he received no answer and Zhan just shook his head and put the necklace back. "I won't wear it today. Not on a date with my girlfriend." No sooner had he said those words than his water glass fell off his desk.

"Oh, wow, now I'm scared." He said sarcastically, then went to his room door. He pushed the handle down, but the door didn't open. And no matter how hard he tugged at the door, it stayed locked.

"Okay, I don't know what's going on with you, but could you please disappear? You haven't made a move in weeks and now you're making such a fuss over an old necklace?" And already the necklace was thrown off his desk again.

"Fine, you win. I'll wear the old ugly thing. Happy? Can I go now?" He pushed the door handle down again and the door opened.

Chuyue stood outside the door and looked at him with a furrowed brow. "Who are you talking to?" He asked confusedly.

"Yes, I'd like to know that too. Anyway, I'm off to see Luna Li. No idea when I'll be back. She wants to go to a bar with me because she has something to celebrate."

"I'd say have fun. But I can't stand your girlfriend. There's something about her that always gives me the creeps." Chuyue explained.

"Well, she's a little bit special. She'll get over that when you get to know her better."

"A little? She's a freak. Remember when you introduced us to her? She wanted us to write down our birthdays and the times of our birth and wanted to have us checked if we were good company for her! It's really crazy!"

"Hey, don't talk about her like that. She's quite nice. Even if she doesn't show it at first."

"Zhan, your girlfriend is a crazy bitch, believe me. If I were you, I'd break up with her real quick."

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