-20- The third version

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-20- The third version

Once again, Zhan had a sleepless night behind him in which he asked himself many questions that he could not answer. Again and again he looked at the place next to him in bed or turned on the light and looked around in his room. And every single time he hoped to see Yibo. But, he didn't see him. He was still gone and slowly Zhan didn't believe he would come back to him again.

In the shower, Zhan decided he would not wait for Yibo anymore. He felt the absence of the lost soul slowly making him angrier and angrier. Why didn't he contact him at least once in a while to let Zhan know he was okay? Zhan hadn't hurt him after all, so why had he left him ignorant and worried? What did he do to deserve that?

Just before Zhan went to work, he was on the phone with his little brother. He reminded Zhan that he hadn't been home with his family for a long time and asked him to come that weekend. His parents and siblings miss him and want to see him again. So he promised his little brother that as soon as he came home from work he would pack a few clothes and then come to see them.

Cheng was right, Zhan hasn't been home by his parents for months and lately they haven't been talking on the phone much either. Mostly only when Zhan had some questions about his grandmother. It was time to visit his family again and let his mother spoil him for a day or two.

Zhan has always been his mother's favorite child. Of course she didn't make any difference between them and loved them all three equally. But she always said Zhan was her favourite and her absolute wonder child. Thanks to the fact that Zhan shouldn't have been alive in the first place.

Shortly after his birth, Zhan was very sick. The doctors had given him a four percent chance that he could make it. And not a single doctor could explain what Zhan had, so they didn't know how to treat him. So they just treated his symptoms but not what caused all this.

For almost a month Zhan was in a coma as a baby and then, from one day to the next, Zhan not only woke up, he was perfectly healthy again. The sudden serious illness and his sudden recovery could never be explained. From then on, Zhan was many things for his mother. Her absolute wish child, her problem child, her wonder child and her favourite.

Zhan sat in his office and waited for the former police chief. In less than half an hour Mr. Lou was supposed to appear here and Zhan hoped to finally get the missing pieces of the puzzle. And as always when Zhan had to talk to someone from the police, he was very nervous. Even though he had never done anything wrong, he always felt like he had done something and now had to hide it before a policeman.

When there was a knock on the door at the 10 am on time, Zhan literally flinched and his heart beat almost to his throat. With a rough voice he called Mr. Lou in and sat up straight when the former police chief entered his office.

Without waiting for the invitation, Mr. Lou sat down on the desk in front of Zhan and said, "Let's get this over quickly. So I can finally get my peace of mind and you can stop bothering me with your phone calls."

"I wouldn't have had to bother you if you'd been cooperative from the start. All I want is some information about Wang Yibo's disappearance."

"Now before we play an annoying question and answer game, I suggest I just tell you what I know. My point of view and don't worry, I even brought some evidence." Replied Mr Lou.

Zhan turned on his voice recorder, handed Mr. Lou a form to sign, confirming that he is voluntarily providing this information and that Zhan may use it for his research and a possible article. And after Mr. Lou signed it, Zhan said, "Now you can begin, you have the word." Mr. Lou nodded, cleared his throat and put a stack of papers in front of him on the table, then he was ready.

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