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Sitting at the restaurant table only red and orange lights keeping the place from being dark, Yamaguchi and Yachi sat across from you and Tsukishima.

They had invited you unexpectedly for diner while the two of you were relaxing at home.

Going on outings with them were normal with being close friends and all but today felt more different.

Instead of telling you in advance with a set date so you guys could go out they had texted you the same day only a few hours earlier.

Now sitting at the booth across from you, you could see them trying to contain the smile and glee on their face while they sat jittery.

"The reason we brought you guys here today is...."
With Yamaguchi looking down at Yachi her face turning giddy a small smile spreads across it.

"We got engaged!..."
With your eyes widening with excitement you jump up slamming your hand against the table.

Shooting up from the booth seat you quickly cover your mouth glancing around as people stared at you irritated.

You fall back in your seat trying to hold in a chuckle, the faces of Yamaguchi and Yachi lighting up.

showing their rings while they continued to laugh, to you, their personalities were like Daisys and sunflowers.

Looking at the golden rings on their hands yours eyes sparkled.

"That's so cool....."
Mumbling to yourself Astonished you heard the snickering of someone next to you.

"You find everything cool.."
Tsukishima spoke as he drank his beverage his eyes on you, you couldn't say anything back because he was right.

"So who's taking the last name?"
Tsukishima asks placing the drink down while he raised an eyebrow to the two of them.

"We've decided that I sound better with Tadashis last name.."
Yachi spoke her face turning red.

"So you're going to be Hitoka Yamaguchi!.."
You spoke and she quickly nodded to you, a smile growing on her face.

Maybe because of your yippy nature as you aged but you made everyone feel better just by being around.

As the waiter came, everyone ordering their food you glanced out of the window, staring at the stars in the sky.

It was a clear day the moon shining giving the outside area a blue color.

With it all being everyone's final year of college your future careers became an important topic.

While you worked at a small coffee shop nearby Tsukishima worked at the Sendai city museum.

he told you it was good pay but you secretly knew he just liked museums, once going on a date there as he admired all of the models of animals including dinosaurs.

But with college soon being finished you guys needed somewhere to keep your foundation for the future.

"So when's the wedding?"
You questioned as your food arrived plates being passed around, Yamaguchi picks up his chopsticks.

"We're still planning, we don't want to rush it or anything."
Yamaguchi explained taking a bite of his food, you had remembered when Tanaka and Kiyoko announced they were engaged and how everyone reacted.

It was quite a shock to everyone but they took it as celebration, and from what you heard by a drunk Tsukishima after the bachelor party it sure sounded like they were having the time of their life.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now