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"T-Today....Today I'm going to make you beg."
You spoke, your voice slightly shaking as you tried to keep your tough act up.

A weird pleasant chill running down Tsukishimas back and he lets out a one note chuckle.

Pulling himself up from the bed, his hands grip on your waist, inches away from your face.

"Let's see who begs first then."
With a smirk on his face he spoke, slowly leaning into your lips as the two of you made out.

The sensation of his tongue against yours filling you with thrill, you couldn't recall the last time you had made out with him and with Hatsuyu always staring you felt too uncomfortable to do it.

Now alone the both of you could do anything you wanted to.

Biting down on the bottom of his lip he pulls back, wincing in slight pain while blood dropped down his lip.

Using the opportunity you push agaisnt his chest, his body hitting the bed once again and his eyes meet yours.

Softly chuckling while he stared up at you.

"What's that about?"
He questioned playfully, wiping the blood off of his lip and you keep a straight face.

You spoke, your voice calm and relaxed as he raised an eyebrow at you, hoping you would fault but instead you kept your ground.

Watching him turn away from your eyes, awkwardly he lets his head lie on one side.

A sigh leaving his face before he began unbuckling the baby carrier.

Throwing it behind him and he grabs the hems of his sweater, pulling it along with the black turtle neck underneath.

The cold air hitting agaisnt his chest and he felt a shiver but nevertheless sat still.

As always his body is....
Admiring his chest and abs you felt like a nosebleed was going to come, trying to keep composure and not falter.

Arghh you can do it your not going to lose to him.! I've seen this body before so I can just push through-
Feeling a hand begin to crawl up under your shirt you instinctively grab it, pinning it above Tsukishimas head.

"I said I was going to make you beg."
You spoke in all seriousness as he frowns, obeying your orders for the meantime.

Okay okay I can do this...
Letting out a deep breath you began to regain yourself, letting your free hand slowly venture behind you.

He's already hard...
Your hand softly rubbing him on his jeans, your face red as you could feel his bulge.

Turning your head back to him you watched his face, with a hand covering his mouth he looked away from you, his ears red.

You thought to yourself, waking up from your daydream before a wave of determination begins to run through you.

Wanting to see more of this face of his.

Ring! Ring!

Glancing to the bedside the both of you watched his phone vibrate and ring.

The name caller saying Kogane and you watch him effortlessly pull his hands from underneath yours.

Sitting up and reaching the phone, a look of shock on you.

He could've just pulled away any moment?!...
A little embarrassed as he answered the call.

"What do you want."
Fluffing his hair up Tsukishima spoke into the phone, waiting for a response on the other side.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now