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Feeling your heart pound you couldn't dare to move an inch, your eyes turning to Tsukishima who watched the two of you.

Two items in his hand, Kuroo finally pulling away from the kiss and he stares confused at him.

The whole room filling with silence and Kuroo takes a few steps away from you, trying to identify who it was.

It finally clicking in his head.


His voice steady as he spoke, the look in his eyes ready to kill someone.

His gaze not shifting from Kuroo who read the tense situatuon, not knowing what was going on but waving goodbye to you with a smile, cluelessly.

"See you later."
Waving he chuckled as he walked past the corridors corner, disappearing.

His footsteps becoming lighter and lighter till you could no longer hear them.

The now deafening sound of your heartbeat filling that void.

N-No this isn't what-
Hearing a footstep you jumped back, looking back up from the floor as you saw Tsukishima take a step closer, a somber look on his face.

He hadn't said a word yet to you but you could still feel his pressure.

I have to say something.....
But not knowing what words to say you could only clench your fists, avoiding his eyes while silence stayed between the both of you.

The words just not coming out of your mouth.

"Is that why you wanted to go out alone?"
He mumbled, his voice empty as he spoke and you take a peak up, seeing his eyes look down at the items he held.

A pink box with a clear top, sitting on top of it a small black gift bag.

Something inside the both of them as he stared.

Opening your mouth you fall mute, he wasn't necessarily wrong about you going out to see Kuroo.

But just like Kuroo, he read it entirely wrong.

"T-This isnt...."
Words finally leaving your mouth you couldn't face him in the eye, staring at your sneakers while you continued to speak.

Your heart pounding in your chest the more you said

"What I w-wanted...I-"

"Then what is it"
Pushing aside your simple words he asks, his eyes entirely on you and you fiddled with your fingers.

Feeling your body heat up.

Just speak.....
Though you were weirdly afraid, afraid of what might've happened if you said more.

Every word you spoke giving Tsukishima another reason to fight back.

Fight back for a situatuon you hadn't intended in the slightest.

I should've just pushed K-Kuroo away earlier...
Blaming yourself for not standing up and pushing him away the moment your lips met you could've gotten out of it.

It may have costed your friendship with Kuroo but at least it wouldn't ruin your relationship with Tsukishima.

Something you held up way to high to lose in any way or form.

"You're not going to say anything then"
Speaking up for you you heard a one note chuckle leaving Tsukishimas mouth.

I-I want to but....
You couldn't.

You felt stuck, lost and you tried to find the right words to say, while you wasted time on Tsukishimas end.

Every second another reason for him to garner anger against you.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now