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Walking through the buildings hall you felt anxious, your shoes drowning out your steps.

Hatsuyus at moms house but will he really be okay...
And by mom you meant Mrs.Tsukishimas house, her reminding you to just throw away formalities and that you were part of the family.

Tsukishima didint enjoy it as it made it sound like you were his sibling in a weird sense.

Tending to the rooms as usual you make your way into coffee mans office.

The same as usual as you get him his Cortado before he makes another bathroom break.

Your eyes falling onto his work.

Undoing everything he wrote and and rewriting it an itch grew in you.

An urge to fix all his mistakes as you worked agaisnt the clock.

Your eyes always glancing at the door with the fear of him walking in.

While this felt like routine to redo all of his mistakes you felt a small part of you regretting it.

Your hand freezing on one of the letters of the keyboard.

"Is this really right though..."

He may be a shithead jerk and deserves to die but....
You weren't sure if it was honest to just destroy all of his work because you didint see it as fit.

Maybe Mr.Sasuru would see different with this...
Your hand raises off on the keyboards lettering, wanting to get up and leave his work alone.

But spotting a horrible typo you quickly fix it, then another, then another.

As well as horrible editing, the colors being off, indentations and everything that made it off.

Which was everything.

It's been like thirty minutes what kind of bathroom break is this...

Feeling as if his bathroom breaks seemed to be red periods you stood from his seat, ignoring the thought.

"You okay bud?"
Kogane questioned Tsukishima, worry filling him as he studied the males face.

Tsukishima too tired to even make an effort

Kogane noticing their huge eyebags under Tsukishimas eyes and his skin paler than usual.

"Maybe you should take a few minutes on the bench..."
He speaks with full concern of Tsukishimas health, feeling worried for his friend.

Waving his hand up Tsukishima stands as he stretches his arms out.

"I just needed a breather I can still play."
He takes a deep breath in and out before he began to walk on the field.

Im just tired...
Knowing full well a small nap could've made him feel ten times better.

With Hatsuyu joining his usual schedule even when he was babysitted by his family it was still hard to adapt.

The infant taking most of his time when he arrived home and not being able to sleep at all.

As well as not being able to see you as often, either busy with work or Hatsuyu.

Instead of a small nap one simple hug from you would probably push away this fatigued feeling.

just get through practice...
He told himself, trying to throw away the fantasies that made him feel ten times worse.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now