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Turning over you let out a small groan, your eyes shut and filled with darkness as you began rubbing them.

Letting your hand fall back down you began slowly opening them, the suns rays shining through the blinds.

It's cold...

Snowing all night and getting worse as the temperature dropped it finally ceased.

Looking down at your pillow and forward Tsukishima slept.

His face peaceful while he lied on his side, his blonde ruffled hair all over the place.

You wanted to laugh.

Slowly moving your hand from your side you pick up a piece of his hair that rested over his eye, his eye slowly twitching as you moved it off.

So soft....

Tsukishima mostly being on guard when you went to touch his hair but when he was asleep or drowsy it was free terrain for you.

Running your hands through his hair and playing with it for a while your attention shifts.

Reaching for his exposed forehead instead and you slight tap it.

He's warm...

Amazed you pull him into a hug under the sheets, noticing he was shirtless despite the cold weather outside.

This is nice...

Hugging him close it was like your own live radiator.


He thought to himself, furrowing his eyebrows while he felt his body temperature drop.

Slowly opening his eyes he lets out a yawn, noticing you gone from your pillow and he looks down at his chest.

Smiling you stared up at him.

"Merry Christmas."

"So you wanna do the same thing you did to your family for mine?"

Poking at your scrambled eggs he glances up at you confused, his hair ruffled and standing up at ends.

"You know....how you revealed the baby to your family? Isn't it fair if I do the same?"

His hand freezing up, the guilt still there after last nights incident.

"I-I didint intend for that to happen, can't we just hold on on telling your parents?"

He asks, wanting to save his skin for the time being, he hadn't want to imagine the horrible things they would've done to him if they had just come clean.

"Sure but I still need to get them a gift."

Taking another bite out of the eggs Tsukishima began coming up with ideas, it was partly his fault why you had no gift so the least he could do was help.

"Why don't you just spend the whole day with them, like a family outing or something, I'll stay home so you guys can have fun."

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now