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Bending down on his feet her covers his face with his hands, the touch sending weird tinges down his body but he hadn't cared.

Only processing everything that had happened, taking a deep breath he could still feel the sensation of your hand as you slapped it away.

Drowning in regret your harsh reaction replayed in his head, the anger and fear in your face as your eyes went teary, slapping his hand and comfort away.

I acted too rash cause of him....
He gritted his teeth, glaring back at Tsukishima still upset of how the events unfolded.

Tsukishimas eyes on an entirely different things, still recalling the face you had made as your eyes met his.

And how it shifted to anger when you were scolding Kuroo.

Kuroo staring back at Tsukishima for a few, turning his head foreword and he pulls himself up to stand.

The spots where  Tsukishima had hit aching in pain and he lets out a small noise, wincing.

Reaching to put his hands in his pockets as the usual he flinches, the burning feeling of his reddened fists causing him to pull them out.

Staring at them while they began stinging.


His face falling he could only stare solemnly, letting his hands fall to his sides tiredly.

Making his way to leave the hall Tsukishima watched as he slowly disappeared

Catching a glimpse of his face when he turned the corner, the look of his defeat wore on his mouth, his eyes empty and tired.

Passing the corner and Tsukishima stares blankly for a few, weary and exhausted.

Carefully he pulls himself to his feet, standing as he staggered around trying to stand straight.

His legs screaming to give in they felt weak, locking with every sway Tsukishima had made.

His body aching and head ringing he stood straight, trying to keep his eyes open to move they began falling.

Slowly shutting he felt his body give away, his head filling with grey as everything around him began moving, trying to calm down his stifled breathing.

His eye falling closed as his legs gave in, hitting the ground with a harsh thud he blacks out.

His skin felt hot, slowly heating up before it began to burn, wanting to pull away from the pain.

Reaching to grab whatever was stinging the side of his cheek he held something warm, fitting in his hands and his eyes open.

Meeting your wary face, a small frown as his eyes shook, his breathing becoming he's heavier and more rigid.

Growing in panic as you were only a few inches away.

"Ke-Tsukishima calm down...."
Your comforting voice spoke, a lump in Tsukishima throat, he hadn't realized his whole body was shaking.

His nerves still on end.

"I'm just cleaning your cuts, Kuroo, really didint hold back...."
Reaching down to dab his cheek once again with the damp cotton swab he flinches, shutting his eyes tight shut.

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