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Squeezing onto your thighs you watched him on the court, falling on the ground while he held onto his right ankle.

The stands going silent while they surveyed the situation with worried glances.

Wanting to jump up from your seat right there to help him you had to be patient.

Sharing looks of concern with Yamaguchi and Yachi as Kogane helps him walk off the court, using his shoulder as support to move on the hurt leg.

He looks....
Staring at his face you couldn't describe what he was thinking at the moment, in immense pain he had looked quite frankly upset for another reason.

Balling up your fist you jump up from your seat, making your way down the stairway of the stands as you quickly rushes off.

Please say it isn't bad! Please say it isn't bad!
The loook on his face had said otherwise and you couldn't imagine the pain he probably was in.

Replaying what had happened, all you had heard was Tsukishima yell a random blurred profanity as he angrily stared at a player across the court.

Watching him try to regain his balance in shock before he fell on his ankle.

Slamming the nurses door open it was a pretty basic white room, everything prepped in case of scenarios like this in a game.

Your eyes falling into Tsukishima who sat on the raised rubber bed.

A look of discomfort on his face.

"Where does it hurt! How bad does it hurt?!"
You ran over to him, surveying his body to see if they were any worse injuries lying underneath.

Noticing his ankle already having a purplish-red color to it.

"It's not a big dea-."
Wincing in pain as he slightly moves his foot he turns his eyes away from you, you noticing the dark heavy eyebags under it.

Did he trip because of me....
Recalling the previous night he had to stay up till three to make sure Hatsuyu fell alseep, telling you it was fine and that he could do it.

You hadn't thought of it much with your busy schedule taking away any time alone but getting an up close of him it was remarkably visible.

"I-I'm going to leave, the nurse said she's coming back to..y-yeah...nice seeing you [Y/N]!"
Kogane awkwardly spouts out before shutting the room door, leaving the two of you alone.

Maybe if I had taken more responsibility, maybe this wouldn't happen, I'm such an idiot....

"I'm Sorry."

Tsukishima turned his eyes towards you, seeing you meet his eyes with an earnest look, not glancing away.

"You're hurt because of me I'm sorry..."
Repeating again, silence filling the small room where the two of you lied.

"I wonder how often she opens her legs for you? Or is she just a slut with everyone."

Taking steps back you watch Tsukishima pull himself off of the seat, standing on his feet as he loudly winced in pain.

"What're you doing?!"
You shouted out, more worried about him worsening the injury as he limped across the cold floor.

His hands squeezed into fists, his temper reaching his end as he made his way to the door.

"I'm going to kill that fucking idiot..."
Full on ready to start a fight with him on the court he feels a hand grab one of his arms, turning back to see your worried expression.

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