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His heart freezing as he stood in front of the male, instead, he grits down his teeth, shoving his shoulder into him. as he walked by.

"What did you do to her."
Kuroos tone was serious as he spoke, waiting for a straightforward answer from Tsukishima who only stood, his back faced towards him.

Tsukishimas fist clench he shook with anger, taking a deep breath in before he turned his head back.

"Maybe you should take better care of her, aren't you suppose to be her rebound boy-."
His words cut off as Kuroo grabbed his jackets collar,    pulling him up with his arms his hands harshly gripped it, a pissed look written on his face.

His eyebrows rested though his cold glare didint shake off of Tsukishimas eyes.

The male staring just as much with spitefulness in his eyes, letting Kuroo pull him up from his collar.

"What the fuck did you do to her."
Kuroo spitted out against, he couldn't calm down until your safety was guaranteed, scoffing before letting his grip go of Tsukishima.

Making his way back into the home without haste, he busted into your room where you slept.

Meeting your sleeping body on your bed and he felt his held in breath release, the feeling of his body suffocating finally at peace.

Staring at you from a distance a frown formed on his face, turning away and shutting the door.

His softened expression from you shifting as he got closer and closer to the open door, Tsukishima visible outside.

A stern expression on his face.

Ordering for Tsukishima to leave the premince of the apartment he only stared back into his eyes.

A parallel to that day.

Not saying a word while he waited.

Kuroo letting out a playful sigh before he ran his hand through his hair, letting his hands fall onto his hip.

"You're only making this harder for yourself, she doesn't want y-."

"Do you know why she's passed out on her bed..."
Interjecting Kuroo words he raised an eyebrow at him, noticing your blotched face and the towel on your head he did realize something was off.

Though he had to deal with another pest named Tsukishima at the moment.

The underneath of Tsukishima eyes red and his voice felt coarse as he spoke, though he maintained composure.

"She's sick with a fever, you let her get this far and I found her collapsed on the streets, you really don't deserve her."
Like a lighter dangerously hanging around a fuse Tsukishima slowly wavered closer to it.

Spewing insults from his mouth without a care.

Watching Kuroos eyes light up with anger and he shuts the apartment door behind him.

The two males now in the quiet hall.

Even after their healthy relationship in
Highschool Kuroo and Tsukishima grew apart as they became adults.

The two of them now loathing each other's entire existance.

"You shouldn't even say that, after all I heard from her you really became a shit person huh, now fuck off before I hurt you."

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now