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"Kei you can calm down..."

Explaining to him as you chuckled nervously, hunched over as he drove, sweating bullets with his eyes focused on the road.

"I am calm."
But you knew he was lying, earlier his face said it all as he quickly lifted you and ran to the bathroom washing you down and dressing you with no haste.

Now he was driving you to the pharmacy but it was only a few roads ahead.

Meaning driving wasn't even necessary.

Pulling up and parking you watch him step out of the car as he wobbled around a little.

He's panicking again....
You wondered if you should've stepped out with him as he opens the door to the shop disappearing.

While it was a cute sight to see him all tensed up and flustered the reason was also important as well.

He washed me off in time I'll be fine...
You told yourself sighing as you stared outside the window and up at the moon.

It had to be past twelve already and you were happy pharmacy's stayed open all night.

Leaning your cheek on the window it was cold as your skin made contact.

Cold but it felt good leaning against.

Turning your head over you watch as Tsukishima opens the car door, still wearing an anxious look he held a bag.

Handing it over to you you spot the obvious.

A water bottle and a plan b, as well as.

Looking around the bag it was filled with random candy and of course.

Spicy ramen...
With Tsukishima closing the door sitting in the car as you took the pill you glance at him his face filled with worry.

As well as it being red.

Sighing you begin searching through the plastic bag, tapping him in the face with candy, grabbing his attention.

"Cheer up you look so gloomy."
You explained, opening your own candy as you began eating, you hear him sigh before the noise of the wrapper crinkling alerts you and the two of you eat  candy in silence.

"It's one o clock and your making ramen."

You shouted typing in the buttons on the microwave as he sighed walking across the small kitchen.

"Be quiet your going to wake the neighbors."
He spoke eating another candy bar from your bag, you glare at him before pressing start on the microwave.

"You want me to explain to them why were even up then?"
And he chokes on it walking faster to the room and shutting the door.

That was good.....
You thought to yourself satisfied with your night ramen as you made your way into your room.

Tsukishima lying asleep on the bed, you were at least happy he wasn't all nervous an anxious like he was before.

Walking to your bedside you pull yourself under the cover, Tsukishima instinctively pulling you in as you lied down.

"Good night..."
You muttered shutting your eyes.

Waking up to the sun you glance over, Tsukishima missing from his spot on the bed and you yawn sitting up.

Your lives had became busier as adults with jobs, college and in Tsukishimas case Volleyball.

Having only a break on Saturday and Sunday he worked on Sunday mostly going for a jog then stopping at the gym.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now