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"Here you go"

Handing a cup of coffee to one of the men in the floors he gave you a smile taking it before turning back to his work.

Unlike him, everyone else in the floor either didint lay mind to you or was thankful for your work.

Yeah unlike him.

Walking into the messy room you trip your heel breaking as you hit the ground with a thud.


You thought to yourself looking at your ankle, it was bruised but luckily not sprained or broken and you softly rub it.

"Get up you know what I want!"

You hear him from his desk clacking away on the computer, you could feel that he was much more upset than any other day and you wondered if it was because of what you did that one day.

I was helping you you shithead!...

You huffed pulling the stiletto off your heel, making on of your feet uneven and you walk away wincing

It didint seem like you maid and error on his work or else he would've yelled at you for that so it had  to be useful.

Well that seemed to not matter with him and you give him his drink, snatching it from your hand while you flinched in reaction before he continues to work.

This sucks....

Limping out of his room you sighed, tired.

Can't I talk to Mr.Sasuru for a better position.....no he'll only yell at me and fire me.

You probably thought he would tell you that you should be grateful for even being allowed to step foot here before he gave you the boot.

The only thing you were looking for anymore was it's decent pay.

Other than that this was hell.


Turning your head you meet the eyes of Mr.Sasuru as he made his way towards you.

Dressed in an all white suit with little hints of red you questioned what was happening.

"I hope you feel at home here."

He spoke getting closer to you, his hands behind his back.

You of course wanted to run but that was the dumbest option as well as your ankle.

I'm getting fired....

No one spoke that condescendingly unless they were to lay bad news to you.

"I've gotten complaints from Mr.XXXX"

He spoke and you sat puzzled wondering who that was.

You knew everyone's name from the name tag in the door and the only person without one was.

Coffee man...

Slowly he rests a hand on your shoulder standing opposite of you, the noise of his shoes clacking ceasing.

"Surely I won't hear another complaint? Right Ms.[L/N] if you want to keep this job I'm presuming?"

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now