Im sorry

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"Thanks for taking care of Hatsuyu again."
Holding the stroller they stood outside of the house as they greeted you with joy, Hatsuyu babbling nonsense to himself.

A smile on his face you bend down, soflty rubbing his cheek with your hand.

Giving a soft kiss on his head while you moved his blonde bangs, beginning to pull him out of the stroller to hand him to your mom.

Reaching down for the buckles to release him, pressing down on one of the black buckles it clicks open.

Beginning to reach for another.

"Not like I miss him but where is Tsukishima, it's been a month since I've seen him?"
Your father asks, leaning agasint the doors frame, his arms crossed as he stared down impatient at you.

Your body tensing up from his words, the once gleeful expression you wore now gone.

"Don't say it like that, i'm sure he's a busy man, you do watch his games after all?"
She questioned curiously, watching him avoid her eyes as she waited for a response that never came.

Quickly silencing him.

The clipping of the seat belt unbuckling snapping as you stood up straight, chuckling to yourself.

"He's been busy for a little while but, he still finds time for me and Hatsuyu..."
You lied, watching your mothers face fall at ease and the same with your dads, though he hadn't tried to show it.

Letting out another huff you straighten your clothes, trying to act as calm as possible you were sure you were jittery.

How-would they even react if I told them we broke up...
Wondering the different outcomes they all lead to them manhunting Tsukishima, you sure that your dead wouldn't leave him unscathed.

Either way it hadn't looked like a peaceful ending and you were more ready to avoid it instead.

Remembering the previous night you were sure everything would've been fixed.

Like none of it ever happened you got comfortable and you regretted that.

Returning home with Hatsuyu to an empty house, no sign of Tsukishima and you took it as his response to the situation.

Even after the kiss he had left.

I should respect that....
Trying to remind yourself you shut your eyes, worried to panic in front of your parents you could only recollect your thoughts.

I should respect that...
Still feeling his longing touch on your waist, like an electricity current it sent waves down your body.

The familiar way that he had kissed you, the fixated stare in his eyes as you pulled away from his lips.

Repeating the events in your mind like a broken record you tried to think of anything else.

"Okay, I'll wait...."

He said he would wait....
Still feeling sorrowful as you vowed to focus on Tsukishima it felt as if he hadn't reciprocated your feelings back.

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