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"W-We're finally home..."

You grumbled the after taste of being in a hospital making you sleepy.

"You should rest more"

Tsukishima states, pulling the coat off your back and folding it as the two of you made your way to the room.

He wasn't wrong you were tired but you didint think it was possible to fall asleep when so much was happening.

Pulling yourself in the bed you watched as he began undressing into more causal clothes, taking his hoodie off and everything before your eyelids begin falling.

She fell asleep already ...

Tsukishima thought glancing back at you where you rested, taking one more peek at you he feels the pocket of his hoodie conforming it's presence.

Putting on a normal t shirt and regular shorts he quietly shuts the door of your room.

Walking into the dining room he took a seat in one of the chairs, placing his gift in the middle of it.

Lying down on his hands on the table he closed his eyes to recollect his thoughts.

She's pregnant....

Sighing he rubbed his face, if felt like he still couldn't comprehend it.

Well that explain why she vomited it wasn't cause of overworking, that was morning sickness...

He did find it strange for you to vomit over being tired it made much more sense now but that hadn't helped the situation.

A baby...

Silently panicking as he sat it didint feel as good as he imagined, though he never imagined on having a real kid himself.

Only pondering on the thought of what you and his child would look like, it was only for fun in his mind.

He had summed down that the both of you were fine without having a child since you never disagreed.

This is all happening cause of my fault...

Nervously smiling to himself he was sure god or Satan was laughing at him in the moment.

Turning his attention back to the gift he lies his head on the table slowly moving the item.

"And just when I was going to propose.."

He mumbled to himself.

Walking out of the room you yawned from taking a nap, the smell of beef filling your noise.

Looking in the kitchen Tsukishima silently cooked roasted beef and you meekly take a seat at the dining table.

Finishing up preparing the food he places a plate for you and takes a seat across from you.

You ate anxiously, your chopsticks shaking in your hands while you tried to pick up a piece.

You hadn't understand why you felt like that, it was uncomfortable sitting across from Tsukishima for some reason and you hated it.

You blamed yourself, all the responsibility being weighed on your shoulders like a burden.

Dragging Tsukishima under it as well and shackling him to yourself.

What if h-he leaves me....

Your mind wandered into places you loathed.

The thought of living your life without him felt like a hole inside your chest.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now