Too far

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Letting out a cry as you nodded profusely your hand fell down to your side, jumping from your position your vision was blurred.

Falling into his arms as he held onto you, shocked by your sudden movement into him, his hands hovering over your back taking a few seconds to process your response he wrapped his arms around you.

Holding you in your hug as you cried into his shirt, looking down your back his hand ran up and down it, trembling as it did so.

Seeing if you were real his grip tightened, pulling you closer into him he let out a sigh of relief.

Nuzzling his head into your shoulder.

She said yes......
It all felt too good to be real, like a dream he wanted to stay there forever, the stress from the past months leaving his shoulder and he took a deep breath in.

At the very least, he could enjoy the present time.

Falling abruptly onto the bed the two of you were both equally fatigued, the day filled with stress only to end with anxiety and surprise.

Seeming everything reaching to an end, pulling yourself up from the bed you sat, glancing over to Tsukishima who laid still, staring at the ceiling.

Dazed he seemed lost in his thoughts, unfocused on his surroundings.

Turning back to yourself as you raised your hand, noticing the ring on your finger you chuckled.

"So how long were your waiting for this...."
You asked, tilting your head as you finally caught his attention, watching him frown bashfully he turns his head away.

Only the back of his hair visible for your viewing.

"Graduation day......"
He mumbled, the words he spoke barely audible and from your sitting position you began to lean over, moving yourself closer to Tsukishima you hover over his body.

Reaching down for the side of his face you grabbed a blonde lock between your two fingers, beginning to fiddle with it.

"I can't hear you~"
You hummed, watching his ears begin to turn red the longer you hummed, finally moving you jolt back, watching him flip himself over.

His face red as he stared up at you.

"Graduation day, I've been waiting two years for your graduation day.."
Finally answering your question you felt satisfied, Tsukishima only staring at your gleeful expression.

"I'm sure you'll pass and when you come home I have a surprise for you."
Raising your hands to your mouth you covered it, shocked by how long ago that had felt.

"So that's what you meant....."
You mumbled to yourself.

"...But Kuroo got in the way so I couldn't....."
He finished off, confused by what he meant it took a few seconds for you to realize it, your eyes widening.

Hearing the rustle of the blanket you turned down, seeing Tsukishima once again faced away from you, the blanket covering him as if he was alseep.

"I'm tired and you should be too...."
Mumbling out you were taken aback by his behavior, as if odd you were sure he would've been at the very least joyed to be back.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now