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"What're you doing?"

Kenma scoffed, walking out of his boarded up dim room and finally into light, though artificial.

Squinting as he made his way into the dining room, a bag of to-go food waiting with Kuroo standing over it.

Usually already setting up the food and dishes for Kenma and him to eat before he boarded himself up again, the food was still in the bag.

Walking over Kenma notices that male staring happily at his phone, typing.

"I asked what're you doing."

Kenma states agains says kicking Kuroo in the back and pulling him into reality.

"Aack!- h-hey don't go around kicking people!"

Kuroo whined to him while Kenma stuck his tongue out, belittling him as he began searching through the bag of food.

"Mind your bus-."

Beginning to mutter something Kenma catches on karate chopping Kuroo in the gut and the boy once again yelps out.

"Give me your phone."

Kenma simply explained showing his hand out and Kuroo obliges handing it to him.

Looking at his phone while Kuroo anxiously avoided his gaze he noticed the typed in message, still not sent.

Glancing up at Kuroo with disgust Kuroo quickly snatches his phone out of his grip his face red.

"Don't tell me your doing this again, I have a better chance than you when will you learn."

Stuffing a fry into his mouth he began heading for his darkened room leaving Kuroo red.

"I have a better chance than you..."

He spoke in a mocking voice glancing down at his phone again, panic filling him.


He cursed himself out dropping the phone in fear before quickly catching it, not wanting to have to pay for the cost of breakage.

I waited a month to write a perfect text and now that's all down the drain...

Shedding a tear on his face he gently placed his phone on the table preparing himself to break down mentally and physically.


You cried out standing in front of the mirror, your shirt pulled up as you stared at your stomach.

Tsukishima chuckling as he stood in the doorway, holding a can of Soda while watching you.

Grumbling something incoherent you turn to Tsukishima shouting profanities.

"Why can't you be pregnant you shit?!"

You cursed out as he took another sip out of his Soda and you stomp over to grab it yourself.

Pulling it into the air and out of your reach with his other hand he shows a finger waving no.

"You're pregnant, it's not good for the baby."

He spoke smirking as you huffed in misery.

Everyday began feeling like hell as you were on leave from your job at the Sasuru company, once again you expected to be fired but they seemed understanding.

You wondered if they had just enjoyed your coffee too much, using the excuse that you were sick you were able to take leave from your job at the pastry shop as well as online college classes.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now