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A red mark on the side of his face leaving a numbing touch.

His face filling with disbelief as he stared down at you, watching you huff out with your hand still in the air.

The anger and stress he had showed on his face slipping away, a straight look on his face before he lends out his hands.

Forcing the two items into your clutch and he lets out a tired sigh.

"I'm breaking up with you, I don't want anything to do with you"
He mutters out hurt, turning away as he began leaving you.

His footsteps slowly fading away, the apathetic expression on your face watching him turn the corner, leaving you.

Turning your eyes back down at the items in your hand you made your way towards the door, opening it up and shutting it while you continued to walk.

Walking into the dining room you placed down the items, placing the small black bag away from you as you pulled the pink container towards you.

Taking a seat in one of the chair and you open it up.

A cake inside.

A strawberry shortcake to be exact and you notice a letter on the side.

Grabbing it and opening it up as you scanned the words inside of it.

'I just wanted to say, congratulations, I don't know what cake you like so I chose one we both eat together.'
Reading it in his voice you tried to imagine what he looked like writing it, a small smile probably on his face.

Turning your attention back to the cake you slowly swipe a piece of it with your finger, tasting it.

The flavor filling your mouth.

Everytime you ate strawberry shortcake with him flooding your mind all the way from highschool.

A tear running down your face and falling down on the table, picking up a strawberry as you tried to stifle your sob.

Biting down into it.

Tears streaming down your face and you tried to continue eating.

Turning her head over to the door Akiteru and her watch it shake a little, the door finally opening.

Tsukishima quietly walking in while they stared confused.

Setting up the dining table for a meal.

"Why're you here so suddenly?"
Wondering why her son just showed up to her home unannounced, Tsukishima stares up blankly, a tired look on his face before he scowled.

Turning away and making his way to his room while he dragged his feet across the ground.

The both of them staring worried at his door as he shut it, sharing glances to each other.

Shutting the door to his room he lets his back hit against it with a slight thud, slowly sliding down it before reaching the bottom.

Pulling his knees into his chest as he tucked them in, wrapping his arms around them.

His mind stuck.

Stuck on the loop that kept replaying and replaying.

A horrible scene he had just wanted to forget about as he turned the corner, time stopping in an instant for him.

Before he spoke up and you became startled and jittery, it was all clear in his mind and he wished it wasn't.

He wished he could just forget all of the events from earlier and fall back alseep, it was much easier that way.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now