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"It doesn't look that difficult why are you struggling?"
Glancing over at Merus computer she sat in one of the seats next to the window.

Typing on her computer while papers were all over the desk.

Koukichi leaning over trying to teach her, in his apron he held a broom, sweeping up the store before it was officially open to the public.

"I'm not listening to advice from a drop out."
She sticks her tongue out to him as he felt hurt from her words, turning his back to her to contnue sweeping.

"I probably know more than y-."
The noise of the door working grabbing his attention and he looks over, seeing you walk in.

A weird smile on your face while you watched theirs lit up.

Koukichi letting go of the broom before rushing over to you in tears, holding you tight.

He sobbed out while he held you in his arms and you chuckled, your eyes falling to Meru who also stood close.

"Uhmm....There's a baby..."
Freezing from his sobbing Koukichi turns his head in disbelief, snot running down his noise as he sees Hatsuyu in Tsukishimas arms.

Watching his face go pale before he collapses, hitting the ground.

Letting a groan he shifts, feeling uncomfortable agaisnt the stores chair he quickly jolts up.

Remembering all the events that had happened.

Looking all around he search for you, his eyes meeting the booth seat in the corner where Meru played with Hatsuyu.

Hatsuyu turning his head over to Koukichi who quickly covers his eyes, letting out a loud noise.

Pointing to Tsukishima blindly who stared slightly offended by his words.

"Yeah it's crazy, other than his eyes he's identical to you..."
Observing the infant Meru saw he seemed to be the same as his father.

"Wait.....was this why you told us you were sick?"

Meru asks, staring up at you questioningly, letting out a small sigh you nod, ashamed to say you were lying to your closest friends.

Standing from the booth seat they turn their eyes to you, Meru and Koukichi watching confused as you bowed.

"I-I'm sorry for keeping this from you..!"
Quickly blurting our your eyes were shut, a frown on your face while you silently waited for there response.

Hearing a small chuckle than light laugh come from Meru, your eyes opening as you looked up to her.

Seeing a joyful expression on her face, her eyes turning up to you.

"Why would you have to be sorry? Besides I'm a Aunt now this is great!"
She shouted out while Hatsuyu quietly watched from Tsukishimas arms.

"Yeah you don't have to apologize to us, I'm just happy your okay."
Koukichi spoke, walking closer to you with a soft smile on, comforting you while you stood straight.

"You should've seen him, he thought you were dying of the bubonic plague, he was ready to hold a memorial for you."
Watching Koukichis face go red the two of you began laughing out, Koukichi trying not to humiliate himself more.

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