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Letting out a groan you rolled over in your bed, wrapping your body in the blanket.

Shifting uncomfortably in the sheets you felt sore, your eyes open, staring up at the ceiling with a blank face.

Your eyes still red and puffy from crying you felt confused, pulling yourself out of your bed as you realized you were dressed in clothes.

Different pajamas that you only wore once in awhile.

Your legs and bottom sore and you begin walking towards your room door.

Letting out a yawn you pulled it open, your eyes meeting Kuroo in the kitchen.

Shirtless and cooking eggs he glances up at you, his face turning to ease.

"You're up."
He smiled, a warm and welcoming look on his face before he turned back to the eggs in distress, quickly flipping them before they burned.

Sitting down at the dining table he sat across from you, the two of you silently picking at the food while you ate.

A small blush covering his face while he tried not to keep staring at you, like a anxious dog waiting for you to speak.

"I'm sorry about earlier."
Breaking the ice you watch him stop, placing the fork down as he looked up at you.

His face filled with uncertainty while he tried to figure out the right words to say to you.

Turning back up to you with a smile on his face.

"It's fine, I could've stopped any moment if I wanted to so don't blame yourself."
Picking at the eggs and taking another bite he explained to you, your eyes shifting from him back down to the food.

Nodding to his words.

You weren't sure if you could complete your food, too many thoughts ran rampant in your head, a lump in your throat while you forced yourself to swallow the food.

Did I really sleep with Kuroo, he's not repulsed by me.....
Wondering why he didint get turned off by your haste behavior it made you self conscious.

The uncertainty of his emotions clouding your mind of judgement.

Slowly rocking your feet under the table you feel something touch it, startled you look under the table.

Seeing Kuroos leg in the way you awkwardly recoil your foot back, a small blush covering your face as the male notices.

A blush covering his face as well before he coughs, standing from his seat he grabs his plate with his hand.

Pushing his chair in and making his way by your side.

"If you're finished I can take your plate."
He explained and you grab the edge of it, lifting him up for his arm reach, your eyes making its way onto his chest.

Locking onto the noticeable scratch marks on his chest and you felt yourself deflate, filled to the rim with embarrassment you turn your face away quickly.

Kuroo glancing at you confused before he turned around, making his way for the sink, your eyes hesitant to turn back to his direction.

Once again meeting even more deeper and red scratch marks on his back and you shut your eyes.

Ahhh I'm regretting it even more now this is embarrassing.....
Letting your head hit hardly onto the table Kuroo perks up from his position in the kitchen with concern.

"It's four o clock right now..."
Reading his watch  in his hand he glanced at the small hands.

Turning his head back to your bedroom door while you got ready, a look of worry on Kuroos face and he shuts his eyes.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now