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"Isn't your father that asshole, naw I'll pass..."
Giving disgusted glares to him as he showed his hand as a sign for no, everyone getting ready to leave class.

"Yeah my dad has heard many things of how he treats people, who knows you could be the same as him."
A female student joined in, both insulting the student in front of him before leaving class.

'I'm not my father though.....'
He thought to himself, biting the bottom of his lip as he balled his fists.

Letting out a tired sigh from what was seen as a routine for him, he hadn't had many friends considering his father.

Being written off as the same as him or people afraid of what he was capable of.

Shouting out to him he could only silently listen, struggling in most of his classes to even be considered average.

As his father pushed and pushed more and more for something he hadn't achieve himself.

"You're suppose to be my heir, how the fuck do you expect to get anywhere with these type of grades, you're only disappointing everyone else like this."
Speaking harshly to his child he continued picking at him like a toy.

A toy without feelings or emotions.

"Hey wanna go to the ma-."
One of his few friends ask, all packing you to leave class and do their daily activity's.

"Sorry I have to pass, I have...studying to do."
  He mumbles out, holding his textbook close to his side, both friends silently watch.

Letting out a sigh.

"That's fine we can hang out another day..."
One of them groans out, him slowly leaving his classroom and both friends behind.

'I don't wanna go...'
Holding his textbook closer he could feel tears in his eyes as he walked away from the empty halls.

'I left a textbook, they're probably long gone-'

"Isn't he turning out just like his dad? I'm not the only one seeing the similarities right?"
One of his friends spoke, having unkept black hair he sat in one of the desks while chatting with the other, having blonde straight hair that was parted to one side.

"Honestly kind of expected it, they look the same anyways it's kind of creepy, but a plus side is he's rich so I can deal with it."
He snickered, motioning his hands as if he had money in them while the black headed kid only laughed at his words.

"For real though he just gives me the creeps, but his house isn't half bad, they don't know what they're missing out on."
The both of them began jokingly laughing to each other, carelessly speaking out while on the other side he only listened.

Wanting to cry out he only takes a breath in, pushing the door open and gaining their attention.

"I'm here to get my textbook."
Speaking blankly he walks by both of the boys who could only stare anxiously, slightly regretting the words they said.

"Did you hear us?"
The brown headed boy asks and he turns his head back to him, turning it back as he grabs his textbook from underneath his desk.

Making his way for the door.

"I expected to much from low life's like you two."

'I shouldn't feel sad for scum like them, if I'm going to get anywhere I need to grow up.'
Tired of being screwed over his whole life he wanted to control at least one thing.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now