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"Hey you're finally her!-.......ehh who's that?"

Kogane spoke, wearing a basic grey hoodie and jeans, turning around his eyes fall onto the two of you.

He stood away from the restaurants door and away from his teammates as he saw the two of you begin to walk up.

Tsukishima wore a orange tone shirt slightly tucked into grey pants, wearing regular grey and tan converse on.

While you wore an oversized dark green t shirt with random logos on it, black jeans cuffed at the end and basic sneakers.

You were happy that his style grew up with him as he helped you find outfits that had actually matched together without it being a hoodie and jeans.

Watching as Kogane points his hand at you his eyes widen before he runs over to you.

"You're [Y/N]!"

He shouted pulling out into a hug as he jumped up, you were surprised he still remembered you, and also how big he was, easily pulling you up from the ground with his hug.

"Kogane I don't know where you've been."

Tsukishima spoke pulling him off of you like he was some dirty lost object.

The boy whines as Tsukishima lets go off him and he lends a hand out to you.

"I know we met before but I'm Kanji Koganegawa."

He explained shaking your hand as your eyes widen.

His name is Kanji....I would've expected someone named Kanji to give me a headache.

You chuckled smiling.

"I'm [Y/N] [L/N], Kei's girlfriend."

Freezing you let go of his hand as he stares blankly, glancing at Tsukishima then back to you.

"G-Girlfriend?.......Y-You have a girlfriend?"

Kogane asked blankly blinking his eyes and Tsukishima nods crossing his arms.



"What's that suppose to mea-."

"Hey Kogane what're doing wandering back!"

A man wraps his arm around Kogane startling him as he slightly jumps up.

He had his black hair in a disheveled man bun, it kind of reminded you of Asahi as his eyes meets Tsukishima, then you.

"Who's the girl?"

He asks looking at Kogane and Tsukishima confused.

"I'm [Y/N] [L/N], Kei's girlfriend."

And like Kogane you watch the realization hit his face but instead of like Kogane he pulls his arms away from him slowly backing away wary.

You wondered what he was doing but quickly he turns his head back to the restaurants door.


You hear him shout and like that you were surrounded by them as Tsukishima tried to push his way into the circle.

"Man I'm surprised Tsukishima can even get close to a girl with his personality!"

He had curly hair that reached his neck as he spoke to you, his blondish brown curls shaking and he begins snickering at your boyfriend.

Noticing his scruffy beard he looked a little older than Tsukishima, his brown eyes had a earnest look in them.

"I'm Lee Reiji."

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