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His hand gently knocked agasint the door, the hollow echoes of each tap filling his ears.

Though Kuroo felt far from bliss, his hand falling back into his pocket as he waited.

Staring uneasy at the dark brown door.

Now looking back I regret everything....
Like a near death experience where your whole life flashed in front of you he remebered every moment he spent with you.

Convincing himself he was doing it for the better and for you it only led him into a deeper hole of guilt.

And it all spiraled to this.

Hearing the noise of the lock opening he glances back up, his eyes widened.

Seeing the door open he could only take a gulp in, opening his mouth slowly.

"So I was right..."
Standing in front of him was a begrudging Tsukishima, bandaged up he stared with a dirty glare.

His expression shifting as he meets Kuroos eyes.

Letting out a small noise in irritation he turns his head away, a scowl on his face.

He spitted out harshly, waiting for Kuroos response his heart began to race, wanting to be left alone in the moment.

"No ones home right.."
Kuroo raised an eyebrow as he walked into the home, Tsukishima taken aback he turns away from the door, grabbing Kuroos shoulder.

"Get the fuck out."
His words overflowed with hate as his eyes wavered on Kuroo, Kuroo letting out a sigh he ignores the mans words.

"I'm taking it no ones home then.."
Kuroo murmured to himself, letting his shoulders relax the house sat quiet.

Turning his eyes to Tsukishima the two guys stared with hostility, silence filling the room before Tsukishima groans in frustration.

Scowling as he closed the door.

"Now tell me what you want so you can get the fuck out.."
Tsukishima seethes out once again, turning to Kuroo he crosses his arms, only a little bit taller than the male.

Waiting for Kuroos words that never seem to come as his eyes only wandered around the home.

Irritation growing in him Tsukishima scoffs.

"Don't waste my ti-"

"So you just abandoned her..."
Interrupting Tsukishima, Kuroos eyes turn straight back at him, a dull look on his face while he spoke.

Seeing Tsukishimas face stagger hesitant in a glimpse they fall back down as he stands quietly, not answering his question.

"I'm trying not to see the bad in you but you're not helping your case Tsukishima...."
Lightly chuckling he could only raise the bleak mood of the room, Tsukishima standing uninterested and agitated.

"If that's all you're here for like I said, don't waste my time."
Pulling his composure back together Tsukishima once again states, Kuroo hands shuffling in his pocket he listened to his words.

A small smirk growing on his face.

"That's a yes then, jeez you really are predictable...."
Though he could talk light to the situation with Tsukishima had the moment he couldn't help but worry for you.

A worry he knew he couldn't solve in his own hands.

"Why did [Y/N] have to like such a person like you..."
Chuckling to himself once again he joked at the situation, only watching Tsukishima get more and more upset at his banter.

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