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As two weeks passed by it seemed everything died down, mentioning what happened to your friends and them being supportive towards you.

After what happened between you and Kuroo it seemed he invited himself over much more, the two of you becoming friendlier.

You finally had your dream job at the Sasuru company and made enough profit to keep the apartment.

You felt yourself slowly and slowly get better.

"Kuroo are you sure, I wouldn't want to waste your time."
You explained to him as you dressed Hatsuyu up, the small infant staying quiet while you put on a grey onesie on him.

Kuroo lets out a deep sigh, leaning against the door frame while he watched you, is arms crossed across his body.

Pulling one out he raises it weakly into the air, shaking his hand in an up and down motion.

"It's not a big deal, you have so much on your hands anyways so let me take some responsibility.."
He explained to you, watching you glance back at him with a worry look before you turn your head back.

Soflty rubbing Hatsuyus cheek.

Take responsibility, you're acting like.....
Pushing the thought away you could only silently comply, buttoning your the last white button on the Hatsuyus clothing you pick him up.

Turning around you could see Kuroos expression shift to shock, pushing himself up from the doorway clumsily he makes his way over to you.

Slowly handing Hatsuyu into his hand you watch him awkwardly hold the infant, turning him over and resting his hand on his back while he stood frigid.

"I'll give you my parents address but only because I'm in a rush okay?"
You explained to him and he nodded, a small blush covering his face.

He really does look like Tsukishima.....
Already left for work he made his way towards the door, with everything packed for Hatsuyu he could only stare at the infant.

His eyes locking down onto every one of his features, from his hair to the way he stared coldly at Kuroo he seemed like an exact replica of Tsukishima.

His moppy blonde hair much longer than before and it only left a bit of his forehead exposed.

Well you are cuter than Tsukishima, you must've inherited that from your mom....
Making his way into the car he applied Hatsuyu into the seat carrier.

Placing the bag full of supplies in the back and he makes his way into the drivers seat, shutting the door as he let out a sigh.

So it really was a one time thing.....Aghh I'm getting nowhere.....
It seemed you only seen him as a friend no matter what he had done, trying to entirely forget about what happened that one day.

Though to Kuroo it would never leave his mind.

It's like I'm starting all over again.....
Turning his head back to the back row seat he locks eyes with Hatsuyu, a small smile growing on his face.

"Your moms got me all flustered huh?"
The infant not responding to him as he turned his eyes away, his attention focusing on the strap holding him onto his seat.

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