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She's home already?.....
Tucking Hatsuyu into his crib he stood, letting all the pressure fall into his uninjured foot while the other one idly touched the ground.

Hearing silence from you he became suspicious, slowly limping from his position in the bedroom and making his into the doorway.

Resting his hand on the doors frame as support, staring at you as you stood in front of the apartment door.

"You're home already? Did something happen."
He asks, waiting for a response as you only stared at the ground silently, your body shaking but from his distance it wasn't visible.

Only seeing you stare down, and nothing raised his worries.

Biting down on your bottom lip you wanted to cry out, taking all your willpower to slowly raise your head at him.

Meeting his eyes as you watch his face shift to a normal expression than shock, his eyes widening as he stared at you.

His eyes focusing on the prominent bruises on your face, your eyes red from crying.

Hearing him soflty call out your name before beginning to walk up to you despite the pain, you felt your legs give in.

Falling to your knees on the ground before he pulls you into his arms, kneeling next to you and soflty stroking your back.

"I-I couldn't do a-anything..."
You sobbed out, grabbing the back of his shirt for security, Tsukishima only letting out a soft sigh as he pulled you closer into his chest.

"Do you want to tell me what happened..."
He asks, a blanket wrapped around you as you silently ate icecream, Tsukishima icing your bruises on the couch next to you.

Glancing done at your ice cream you began slowly mixing it as tears once again welted in your eyes.

Tsukishima feeling bad for even bringing it up again.

"Forget I said anyth-."

"He hit me..."
You mumbled out, a frown forming in your face before you quickly take another bite out of your ice cream.

Wanting to forget what had happened earlier with food.

Tsukishima felt his body freeze, anger building up in him as you spoke of a man that laid his hands onto you.

An indescribable feeling growing in him, a hatred and frustration.

"He's g-gone now though, coff- Mr.Izu got punished so it's fine."

Grabbing his hand and pulling the ice pack down from your face you smiled to him.

The ends of your lip twitching as you forced it.

Hiding it away from him as if you wanted him not to worry for you, like you were protecting him from your emotions.

And that was exactly what you were doing, trying to keep him away from your problems as you figured he had enough on his end.

You didint want to drag down any more people because of your own problems and faults.

Because In your head, it was all your fault.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now