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With the four of you having a peaceful and quiet diner you began cleaning, Meru asking for Tsukishimas autograph as Koukichi tried his best to stay out of his sight.

Though all that did was make Tsukishima even more aware of his presence or lack of, not letting you out of his line of sight.

"Well see ya guys have a good night!"

Meru spoke waving from outside the door as Koukichi stood wary behind her.

"Hes still looking at me...."

Mumbling as he shook, the door shutting leaving you and Tsukishima.

"Well you didint kill him but he's sure traumatized"

You sighed patting Tsukishimas back, he grabs your hand pulling you away.

Leading you to the bedroom he begins pulling your shirt up to kiss your stomach as you stood against the door.


You shouted pulling him from under your shirt as he wore a depressed look on his face.


It felt like someone squeezed your heart as he looked up to you with puppy dog eyes.

I still have my interview tomorrow.....

You debated with yourself, noticing the concerned look on your face he lifts you up bridal style as he carries you onto the bed gently placing you down.

As you watch him pull himself into the bed he tucks you in, pulling you back into his chest.

You felt his hand in your head, hearing his heartbeat as your lied against his chest.

Maybe jealous Kei does have some pros.....

With the sounds of the birds outside you pull yourself from your slumber.

Your schedule consisted of classes in Tuesday's and Thursday's, and with your part time job you took any shift available though you still had your shifts on Monday's, Friday's and Saturday's.

Missing a day of work for your interview.

Pulling yourself from the sheets you make your way into the living room your eyes falling on Tsukishima.

He sat at the dining table solemnly eating instant oatmeal as his hair was flattened on one side.

The other completely spiked up in contrast,  as well as his lack of a shirt only wearing joggers.

You were sure your own hair was a mess as you made your own instant oatmeal joining him.

While on the outside you looked calm in the inside you were completely freaking out.

At your college classes they spoke of the Sasuru company as royalty, only one in a million getting an opportunity to work there.

Even the janitors had experience and were hand picked.

You could only dream of stepping into the building or having any hope of getting a job but here you were.

Finishing your food you quickly yet dressed wearing a navy blue dress jacket over a buttoned you white shirt, also wearing a navy blue skirt that reached slightly above your knees.

You felt like it was formal enough and you put your hair into a a hairstyle you found fitting.

Stepping in front of the building a black purse clutched in your hand it was like your legs were about to give in making your way into the building.

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