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"Okay we have everything!"
Even though Tsukishima did all of the heavy lifting you still felt proud of yourself, all of the bags of clothes in your bedroom while everything else was propped where it had to be.

"The only problem is....."
While you guys had gotten almost everything you still hadn't have a crib or any room supplies.

We don't even have an extra room?!
Feeling slightly panicked you wondered how everything was going to work, with being absent for both jobs Tsukishima was the only one making an actual income.

It's not like we can move out.....WAIT-

Shouting you turned back as he leaned on the countertop exhausted from hauling bags, as well as mentally exhausted by how much it had all costed.

Let me rest...
He wanted to groan out as you began poking at him trying to bring his attention.

"I only need one more thing for you to do, unless you want me to do it but that would harm the bab-."
And pushing himself up you drag him into the bedroom, pointing at the dresser in the far corner.

"Since we don't have another room for now the crib will be there, but I need you to move it."

We still need more stuff.....
Wondering in agony while you smiled to him whole heartedly.

Sighing he looks back at the brown dresser, his eyes locking on it with worry.

"The dresser..."

I can't do it in front of her....

Groaning before he began pushing you out of the room to your confusion.

"The noise, the noise won't be good for you.."
He explained without haste before shutting the door on you, letting out another sigh, sliding down the door and onto the ground.

This won't be hard....
Trying to regain some energy he takes a breather before standing, making his way to the dresser.

Let's move these first...
Taking the picture framed from on top of them he would've rather not have them hit the ground and shatter.

Beginning to place them on the bed he stops, staring at the picture in his hand.

You, smiling at the camera while you awkwardly held up two piece signs the sun was setting behind you.

Though he would never tell you he favorited that picture of you.

Placing it down on the bed before returning back to the dresser.

Taking the small onesie you had left on their and gently placing it down as well.

Stretching his arms he grabs the top of the dresser, gently pulling it to him as it turned left.

Gripping the long side he begins slowly pulling revealing what was behind it.

It would've been bad if she was here...
Bending down to the ground as he picked up the small cardboard box, opening it up to reveal the black box.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now