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Shifting and turning on your bed you groaned out, the bed cold causing you to shiver out.

Turning to your side you reach your arm out, swiping it everywhere as you felt nothing.

Your eyes slowly opening, the vacant bed spot where Tsukishima lied empty, feeling goosebumps form on your body while you blankly stared.

your eyes burning up once again and you turn over, not wanting to see his portion of the bed.

It wasn't a bad dream....
Shutting your eyes while tears ran down your face, balling up the sheets in your hand you let out a small whimper.

I-I should've just pushed him away...
Regretting not rejecting Kuroo faster Tsukishima had every right to loathe your entire being.

You broke his heart and cheated on him.

His stunned face popping up when you slapped him, every hope to explain the situation gone.

You still couldn't get the image of his eyes out of your head, his expression mellowing down as you saw his eyes glimmer.

Tears forming in them before he broke up with you, quickly walking away from the situation.

Now you knew it wasn't his first time crying about you and you felt, guilty.

As if you were slowing tearing him down apart with every movement.

You wondered if he just put up with it the entire time, everything the two of you went through being fake.

Scanning around your room your eyes meet the crib, it empty and you let out a groan, turning to your side to grab your phone on the bed stand.

Picking it up you go to messages, your eyes still burning and blurry from sobbing the previous night.

-Don't worry we'll take great care of Hatsuyu take care!
Yesterday 6:34 p.m

Texting your mother if Hatsuyu could stay over the night she gratefully accepted the challenge.

Her not knowing what you were truly dealing with.

Rising from your bed your entire body felt groggy, not wanting to move an inch but you force yourself, heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

Pausing at the mirror while you stared into your image, you looked tired, wanting to give up.

Hoping the shower would've fixed your problems.

Stepping into the shower while the water ran down your body, staring empty at the shower head above you.

He hasn't come back...
After you slapped him and he left you hadn't saw him since, expecting him to return back home as usual.

But waking up with empty arms in your bed it proved otherwise.

Im such a shitty person....
Your head falling down to the water that drained below you, a sense of dread filling you.

Stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around you you looked into the mirror.

Your appearacne still a little shabby but it seemed much better.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now