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Letting out the breath of air you held, anger running through you and you punch him in the arm.

"Don't scare me like that!"
Scolding him he began nodding as you continued to softly punch him in the arms, coming to an end.

"Is there something going on? I was seriously going to kick you you should be happy I recognized your voice."
Questioning why he approached you, you silently wait for an answer and he chuckled.

"I just saw you across the street, I didint know you were still a student at this college, I forgot you're a few years younger."
He explained cheekily and you nodded, almost forgetting he was about three years older than you.

You snickered out and he turns to you offended, pulling out his hands to display two and three fingers.

"We're not that far apart in age, I already feel old enough looking at the college..."
Trying to explain the nostalgic feeling to you you could only chuckle to his words.

From your laughs you feel him slightly tap your shoulder with the back of his hand, looking up to his face where he smiled.

"I'll walk you home."
He explained to you as you found it nothing as is, beginning to walk side by side with Kuroo.

So did he go to this college?...no he's rich he would probably be studying at a University or something....
Beginning to try and figure out how rich people functioned like Kuroo, him not going to any of your plazas as he probably went to a much more richer area.

Kuroo catching onto your thinking as he glances down at you, raising an eyebrow.

"What's caught your mind?"
He questioned with a small grin on and you point to him, watching him take a few steps away confused.

"Why're you so nice to me...!.."

Does she know....
Wondering if you knew about his crush on you, though he knew he blushed a few times in front of you he hadn't expected you to connect the dots so quickly.

Is this what Kenma was talking about....
Wondering if he meant he was so obvious without even trying that he ended up scaring girls around him away.

Or the ones who did stay only after his money.

"I mean, I'm nothing compared to you, shouldn't you be friends with people that fit your category?"
Feeling a little like a burden on him you wondered what made him always want to be with you.

It reminded you of a less clumsy Koukichi.

Oh thank god...
Letting out a breath he felt relieved you were talking about something else, but replaying your words his eyebrows furrow with worry.

"What do you mean you're nothing compared to me? Money isn't everything..."
Finding money as nothing that made a persons character you lower your hand to your side.

Letting out a sigh.

"But why would you hang around me when you probably have many rich friends, or at least people better than me."
You pouted, the two of you still walking towards your home.

"Well ...other than my old team, Kenmas the only one I hang out with often, well you too, so don't put yourself down I don't care about money."
He explained to you as you kicked a rock on the ground, listening to his words.

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