Christmas Eve

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"You feeling okay now?..."

Tsukishima asked as he stood next to you watching you wash your mouth out in the sink.

Turning your head to him you felt tears swell in your eyes as you chuckled.

"Well the oatmeal went to waste."

You cried out letting your head hit his chest as he wraps his arms around you.

"You don't seem sick, you want to go to the hospital?"

He asks and you shook your head no as he sighs.

"Do you want to go back to sleep? You screamed out sorry?"

He questions feeling you clench his clothes and he rubs your back.

"We can watch a movie then."

Picking you up he takes you to the couch letting you lay your head on his lap, turning on a kids movie for you.

Silently watching the movie tears continued to stream down your face as Tsukishima watched concerned.

While your attention was focused on a bee and a lady his was on you, his gut feeling weird as he pondered on the subject.

Why did she vomit, she's mostly good with oatmeal and being tired doesn't make you vomit...

Whatever it was at the moment he couldn't do much, only able to comfort you at the moment.

This job isn't good for her....

Laying his head back on the couch he didint know what to think or feel, on one hand it was your choice to do whatever you want but on the other if it was destructive someone had to step in.

"[Y/N] I want- I need you to stay home for a few days...."

It was rough with the risk of you being fired but Tsukishima saw your health as something first.

Glancing down to see your reaction he is instead met with your snores as he slightly groans.

I'll be missing practice....

Scurrying his hands into his pocket he types to Kogane, his only recent messenger from him spamming pictures of turtles for some reason.

Quickly texting him he sets his phone down turning the tv volume down to not disturb you.

Right now you were all he had cared about.

With being taken care of for the next few days by Tsukishima guilt started running through you making you relentless.

You hadn't gotten any calls from work, only a visit from Koukichi and Meruhasu seeing if you were okay or not.

But as each day passed you began feeling worse and worse on the inside till Christmas Eve.

"I can go to work I'm fine!"

You complained to Tsukishima as he began getting ready for class, pulling on a dark green coat, it hadn't snowed yet but it was still chilly outside.

"Just stay home, you're only going to get worse if you don't rest."

Tsukishima speaks pulling his bag on as he began making his way to the door.

"I have faith in you, please don't break that."

He said please....

Only using that for a few accounts as he gives you an earnest look before leaving, shutting the door.

Leaving you standing in one of your oversized shirts and shorts, you sighed feeling stressed.

One more paycheck please...

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