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"Please don't leave me, I-I just want to forget everything."
With tears in your eyes you spoke in a hurt voice, chills running down Kuroos body as he turns over to you.

Bending down onto his knees and cupping your face.

"I'm warning you now, so tell me if you want to back out."
He asked, his breath shallow and rigid as he waited for your response and you nodded, goosebumps forming on his body before he pulls his face closer to yours.

Your lips colliding as the two of you began kissing, his feeling not so unfamiliar to you and you push further.

Trying to push any thoughts out of your head.

His kissing much more rougher than Tsukishimas, contrasted to Kuroos laid back and easy going personality it seemed he couldn't hold himself back in the moment.

Tugging at your tongue as you let out a small whimper, Kuroo pulling back in distress, the two of you panting as he accessed if you were okay.

"Let's go to my room.."
You explained seeing an eager look in his face, Kuroo quickly grabbing you by your waist and pulling you up with ease.

Beginning to make his way to your room as he softly placed you down on your bed.

Kuroo leaning on the end of the bed, parting your lips and inviting him in your heart raced.

You hadn't known right for wrong, at this point you felt like you couldn't go back at all.

Kuroos lips leaving yours as he began wiping the tears off your face, your eyes turning up to him with a meek look.

"If you don't want to continue you can tell me.."
He explained, he still felt very much in control and watching you cry had stopped something in him.

Turning your eyes away from him in embarrassment your thoughts began racing.

Sitting up from your position while he kneeled on the ground in front of you.

Everything finalizing.

"Continue, please."
You spoke watching the ends of his mouth slightly twitch up, before he reached for the back of your head.

Pulling you back into his lips, his tongue playing with yours, his other hand slowly shifting from his position on his side and onto your lap.

Carefully slipping under your shirt you felt his hand against your bear skin, you couldn't describe what his hand had felt like.

His finger tips brushing against your stomach he caressed it and you flinched in reaction.

Your body falling back on the bed and you open your eyes, seeing a red Kuroo with a weary face on.

Your shirt pulled all the way up over your chest.

"Did you expect me to wear one in my own house?"
You asked him, as you saw his bashful expression and you watch him groan in the inside from your teasing.

"You know you're beautiful."
Your eyes widening in shock as you froze to his words, a genuine smile on Kuroos face.

Pulling your shirt off he began trailing your neck, leaving soft and gentle kisses that tickled your body.

His lips pressing against your collarbone while his eyes stayed on you.

Still stunned from what he had said you tried your best to stay silent, small moans leaving your mouth as his kisses gradually trailed your stomach.

Each one of them a small tickle.

Leading down to your waist he pulls your pants down, him looking up to you with an even redder face.

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