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"Uhmm you good?"
Huro asks hesitant, hiding behind Reiji as he spoke, changing in the locker room.

Preparing for a game with another team nearby, always known for being tail to tail with the Sendai Frogs everyone was in the locker rooms.

With heavy eyebags under his face and his hair an entire mess he glared at the shaking Huro.

"H-He's not wrong...are you sure you're g-getting enough sleep?..."
Reiji pitches in, asking Tsukishima, as he glared at him too.

Pulling on his jersey shirt Tsukishima sighed for himself.

Of course I'm not....
Having to deal with Hatsuyus nightly cries the both of you took shifts but even with that it took a lot of possible sleep time.

Straightening out the jersey shirt as he shuts his eyes, dreaming about a few more hours of sleep.

But, for the time being he was stuck being surrounded by his teammates.

It was the only thing keeping him awake.

"It's okay Tsukishima even if you fall I'll easily build up on that wall! That's my job as a blocker right?"
Huro spoke, pointing to himself confidently as Tsukishima glared back at him.

Breaking whatever confidence the male had as he quickly tried to hide behind Reiji, who had already ran away from the scene, leaving him vulnerable.

Slowly making his way over to Huros he expected the worse possible situation from him.

Instead, a hand being placed on his shoulder, Lightly patting it.

"Yeah it is..."
He spoke patting the boys shoulder before he lets his hand slide to his side, walking past the shocked Huro.

"Are you sure he isn't sick?.."
Another teammates whispers to Kogane, the only one who would are get close to him even when he was provoked, most likely due to how dense he was.

Letting out a sigh all Kogane could do was watch Tsukishima stagger out of the locker room.

"It's been awhile since we played them.."
Reiji nervously chuckled, talking to Yuda who only nodded to him, all walking out of the locker room.

The stands filled with people as usual but they seemed to have more pep in their step.

Everyone hyped up for the long awaited battle against the two teams.

No matter how hard one team tried it always ended in a tie or a close call, no one being called the definite winner.

Tsukishima glancing at the stands as he looked from Yachi and Yamaguchi.

The two always showing up for a game no matter what.

And of course looking through the stands he spotted the couple.

The both of them holding hands as they waved down at Tsukishima, Tsukishima turning away a little bashful.

[Y/N] probably has work....
Like usual you couldn't show up to his games as often as Yachi and Yamaguchi.

Though he understood.

"If it isn't blondie, you look a little paler than usual don't tell me you're scared?"
Hearing the familiar ringing voice Tsukishima dreaded this interaction.

Wanting to tune out the male as he called out more insults to his teammates.

Calling Huro an overconfident kid, Reiji just an old man ready to break his back, and telling Kogane he needed a reality check.

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