One shot 3

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Gosh damnit..!
Grumbling you rub your head, turning your eyes back down at your work and you continue writing.

Trying to block it out.

You hadn't expected college to be this hard and with being stuck in a subject that you detested it made work even harder.

Pulling in not so average grades as your entire college life felt threatened.

The thought of homework making you anxious and over obsess.

I just need to study after this then I'm fine..!!!
You tried to remind yourself, keeping sanity with the thought of getting a B or higher keeping you together.

"Would you like to buy the supersoaker 100!"

Throwing your mechanical pencil at his back he slightly jolts up, turning his head back to you.

Sitting on the ground near you with one foot tucked in and the other out he began flipping through the channels.

Distracting you and your work making it even more difficult to keep together.

You shout out and he only blankly stares at you, glancing at the mechanical pencil that rolled near him.

A smirk forming on his face.

"I'm sorry I could complete my class work, you don't have to vent towards me though."
Picking up the pencil he held it to his eye, letting each side weigh down then go back up as you felt rage run through you.

Yelling he shrugs his shoulder, holding the mechanical pencil as he stared at you.

"It's mechanical."
Explaining to you he drops it into your hand, a look of disbelief on your face and you shook with anger.

Wanting to throw it back at his dumb head but you tried to regain focus, letting out a deep breath.

"Meanie why am I even with you..."
You mumbled frustated and you turn back to your work, Tsukishima hearing your words he slightly stiffened up, a vein popping out of his forehead and he turns his head to you.

"Fine then, I'll help you study."
He smiles to you harmlessly and your eyes widened up, knowing Tsukishima was one of the smartest in his classes.

You finally felt like you were getting the help you needed.

"U-Uhmm...what kind of studying is this, I have to actually do this assignment?!"
Throwing a small fit you feel his head lean on your shoulder, sitting on his lap he flashed a smile at you, the work in front of you on the coffee table.

"I'll help you study so don't worry."

How can I not when you're ......smiling
Feeling creeped out from his weird look you try to shake it off, turning your eyes back on your work.

"I need help with this then."
You point to it and he nods, using an end of a pencil to began pointing out what to do and how to do it.

Maybe this isn't bad....
Slowly getting the information you began writing what he had explained down, everything seeming to go good.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now