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Letting out a loud groan of pain you shift over, with a pounding headache and short breath you couldn't do much except look around.

My r-room.....but I was...
The last moment you could recall was making your way home, feeling weaker and weaker till everything went black.

Squeezing your eyes shut you felt a wave of heat course through your body.

Is this a fever......who took me home.....
Being familiar with everything in your room you were sure you passed out in public.

Vulnerable to anything yet you still ended up in your home, in contact and unharmed.

The warm blankets covering your body as you felt a cold ice pack on your forehead.

Tiredly blinking your eyes they felt heavy to move.

Did Kuroo find me...n-no he would be at my side....
Speculating who could've possibly find you you shut your eyes.

I should've take more care of myself...that was really d-dumb....
Even Mr.Sasuru giving you a warning about your declining condition you ignored it, to focused on making a mark in your new work place you ended up driving yourself to a fever.

Trying to take another deep breath you shift once again, using all of your energy to be ready and pull yourself out of your bed.

I-I need to find out w-who found me......
Not feeling safe if you did you coughed out, quickly covering your mouth to contain it, you're body giving in.

P-Please I just need t-
Sluggishly pulling yourself up from your pillow your eyes met a sight you never thought you would see before.

Your breathing cutting out while your heart began beating slower, eyes widened.

Dumbfounded by what you saw, shifting your leg an inch away you pursed your lips.

Feeling tears welt up in your eyes you fall back down onto your pillow.

Turning your body away and facing the opposite direction you squeeze your eyes shut.

Go to sleep, a l-little sleep will help me....
Reminding yourself you tried to erase the painful image, hoping your body was playing tricks on you it began hurting.

Digging it's way out and restarting the cycle of pain you had already faced before.

The image popping back up in your head, you would've rather wanted to believe a complete stranger had saved you.

Or Kuroo.

But lying by your legs with his head rested on the bed slept peacefully Tsukishima.

His hair all over the place while he slept uncomfortably on the edge, his face close to your leg where it laid.

Like a repeated memory you familiarized yourself with every detail on his face.

Seeing his deep set eyes and paler skin it was different to what you remembered.

[Y/N] just forget, forget and it'll all go away...
You reminded yourself, pulling the sheets further up on your body.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now