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Maybe we should work on that......

You sat on the grey couch, your knees tucked in and deep in you thoughts.

It still riddled you that someone who played for a league that was televised still hated the publicity.

You thought it was because he was shy but knowing his personality it was more of a hatred for humankind.

He's not going to get anywhere with that attitude...

You huffed to yourself thinking.

If he hides like that all the time than what's the point in playing volleyball.....

It was still confusing to think out since he was the topic of discussion.

Remembering the many times you came to his house and when you invited his mom and brother over they talked for hours about Tsukishima to you.

To his disregard.

You heard many stories of him avoiding other kids and calling them lame and how he actually chose to be with the teacher in partner situations.

Even after his personality switch he was always antisocial, he was just nicer with a way?

If calling random kids lame was nicer.

But if anything talking to his family made you understand him more, it was more of being the center or attention and being burdened to something than a social or shy issue.

You did remember the many times you forced him to go to parties with your old teammates and how he hated when they spotted him.

Though it was humorous to you.

"Maybe I should call-."

Hearing his footsteps behind you you turn your head back to quickly catch a glance of him.

Standing in basic black jeans he wore a tan sweater over his still visible grey shirt.

"You're going to catch a cold!.."

You Jumped up from the couch, him freezing while his hand rested on the door knob.

"Ill be fine.."

He spoke and you glare at him before running off to the room almost slipping on the ground causing him to chuckle.


Handing him one of his black coats he sighs pulling his bag off to put it on.


He asks pulling his backpack back on as you nod to his answer smiling like a small child and he chuckled lightly, rolling his eyes as he walks out of the apartment and the door shuts.

With the next day coming you begrudgingly made your way out of your bed getting ready for another day of work at the Sasuru company.

Your stomach ached as you stood outside of the giant building.

Walking around giving the people their drinks you make your way back to the coffee mans office that was as messy as ever.

And yes you called him coffee man in spite, but another reason was weirdly he hadn't had a name tag on front of his door like the other people.

You still hadn't even known his name after almost three weeks of working there.

Three weeks for only this.....

You thought groaning in your head as he turns to you with furrowed eyebrows.

He had looked stress.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now