Big deal

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"Are you sure you want to tell them first?"
You wore a chess grey overall dress and a white buttoned up long sleeve shirt, wearing pitch black sneakers.

Being awhile since you had dressed cute for an outing as you spent your previous days working or staying home.

Tsukishima dressed in a tan untucked buttoned up long sleeve with cut blue navy pants, his shoes pitch black formal wear.

Hatsuyu wearing a regular forest green infant shirt and brown shorts, brown sandals smaller than one of Tsukishimas fingers being worn on him.

"It'll be the easiest ones and I'm sure they're getting tired of waiting for you...."
Counting the amount of numbers highlighted red on the text app an example of it.

Wondering who had the time to spam someone that severely and at such a degree.

"It's probably Kogane y'know, he's one of your closest friends don't lie you missed him.."
Tapping his shoulder with your fist he hadn't responded as you knew it was true.

"But im sure we would've got everything done in two days but you were too chicken..!"
Punching him more roughly in the shoulder he had finally reacted, remembering anytime you had brought it up he would discretely leave the room without a sound.

Tsukishima picking up his phone that lied on the dresser, he quickly glances at it before pushing it into his pocket.

"They should be going out for a team dinner soon, I know the address so we won't be late, and I owe it to them for just leaving..."
He spoke with sincerity, wanting to formally apologizing for disappearing.

Turning back to you to gain your attention he watched your lift the black baby carrier, the straps still familiar to Tsukishima as he stared blankly.

"Come on...."
Beginning to push it closer to him he backed away, silence filling the both of you in the room.

"See I told you this restaurant would be good..!"
Holding up his phone to the other guy Huro began rambling on about its rating and reviews.

Huros hair still In a messy black bun as he ranted on.

Kyotani still set on another restaurant the team could've chosen instead of this one.

"And yet we're still stuck in this long line? What happened to your celebrity status!?"
Having to wait outside for an open table to fit all of the team he grew impatient, the sun already beginning to reach its orange peak as it hit six o clock.

Huro unable to argue with that he huffs, stuffing his phone back into his pocket and turning away from the angry male, crossing his arms stubbornly.

"Can't wait for you to eat your words when we get our food."

Grabbing Huros collar harshly though Hiro was the taller man, Huro pouting his lip like a child.

"What'd ya say..."
In a mocking tone he repeats Kyotanis words back to him, using his hand to act as if it were speaking.

His peripheral vision showing a person or more so two turn the corner and he turns his head.

Seeing the figure of both you and Tsukishima walking to the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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