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Another day in this hell hole...
It seemed indefinite that the rest of your days spent here wouldn't be one of the fine members but just a coffee girl.

Feeling utterly hopeless as you clocked in, everyone greeting you without blinking an eye and restart.

The thought of quitting creeping up in your head.

That wouldn't be fair to Kei...
Having to remind yourself how much he's done for you to be here as well as the countless nights he had to stay up.

Carrying twice the responsibility and work that you had, you honestly felt pathetic,  with the added on injury it was even worse than before.

I'll just have to keep doing my job with a smile on...
Trying to smile you raise your hands, using both pointer fingers to force your muscles to go up.

The realization hitting and your hands drop to your side quickly.

"I probably look so dumb..."
Looking for any reflections you turn your eyes to where the doors were located, the name plates glinting a small image of you and you stare into it.

Looking at your face and sighing with defeat.

Looking at myself only makes me feel worse....
If mirrors were optional you would've made a campaign to get rid of them all.

Walking into a office room you look around, the set up nice and clean giving a calming sense.

Your eyes falling to the oak brown desk in the back middle where a man sat, focused into his work as he typed away.

The man with gelled back dark brown hair and honey brown eyes, he seemed to be around his early thirties by the looks of it.

Noticing him wearing a black ear piece.

Should I just ask him or am I going to bother him....
A moral dilemma in your mind you take a deep breath in to calm your nerves, taking a step closer and over at his desk.

Slowly raising your hand to lightly tap his shoulder, watching him surprisingly not jolt.

His attention diluting to you as he turns his head over, his eyes meeting you're anxious face.

"Is there something wrong."
He asks and you shake your head slightly jittery, the man noticing.

"I just need to know what b-beverage you want.."

I've been here for awhile why am I getting nervous?!!?!..
You cursed yourself out inside your head, a forced smile on the outside and he begins thinking.

"Just water will be fine."
He explained, smiling to you, nodding you begin making your way out of the room.

I need to calm down...
You talk yourself, shaking your hands out as you breathed in and out.

Returning back with a cold bottle of water you place it down on his desk.

Your eyes falling on his work.

He's more organized than coffee man, jeez why does he have to be my number one customer...
It seemed he was always needy for a Cortado, bossing you around for no other reason but control.

Lost in your thoughts you flinch as a hand caresses your thigh, quickly staring down your leg.

The mans hand softly touching you, goosebumps forming across your leg from the unfamiliar hand.

"You seem to be interested in my work? If you don't mind I can show you more about it after a drink out."
He asks, his hand traveling up under your skirt and in reaction you jump back offended.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now