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Kuroo chuckled putting his phone into his back pocket as he quietly pats it for good luck without you noticing.

"Well you're the one who helped me I should be thanking you again."

Stuffing your phone into your jackets pocket as well you found it weird he was thanking you.

You actually found this whole situation odd, remembering Kuroo as a grown man in a teens body who only hung around Kenma.

But instead he was a goofy man who's much smaller than friend forced him to be his slave for.

You stifle a chuckle and he raises an eyebrows staring down at you playfully.

"What's so funn-."


Cutting out his he stands straight and the two of you turn your head to the direction of the voice.

Tsukishima walking over to you.

Kuroos eyes shifting up to look up at his face and quickly you run over to Tsukishima, shocking the both of them before you began pushing him away, running away.

"Was that Tsuki- Ahh crap Kenmas calling?!"

Kuroos phone began ringing as he pulled it out swiftly, his attention shifting to the grumpy man on the other side.


You questioned yourself, your hand still on his back before he pulls away from you turning to look down at you.

"Who was that?"

Asking you you let out a few small pants while you stared at the ground before you turn your head back up to him.

"It was Kuroo it's nothing, he was just shopping for Kenma."

You explained your eyebrows furrowed to him while you looked up, he bends down kissing you on the lips.

Letting one of his hands grab your waist he pulls you in continuing to kiss you before letting go your face red.

"We're in a store!"

You explained pushing away from his as he rolled his eyes,  bending down to your ear level.

"So? I want everybody to know you're mine."

He whispered into your ear, your face going even redder as he surveyed for Kuroo in the area, a weird sting in his chest.

Though he wasn't in sight.

Turning  away from his face you glanced to his shoulder, seeing multiple clothes stacked on it.

Noticing they were mens clothes in the pile, jeans and hoodies you knew you would never catch Tsukishima wearing.

"Are those for Akiteru."

It was a cruel thing but you weren't wrong, unless it was one of his Volleyball games or a formal event Akiteru dressed like highschool Tsukishima.

Awful, in easier terms.

"And for mom too I still haven't giving them a gift."

He explained and your heart dropped, realizing you still hadn't have a gift for your mom and dad either.

Even after driving out to the hospital for you.

"I feel sick.."

You explained Tsukishimas expression filled with worry as he rubbed your back quickly.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now