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The both of you thought, slowly turning your head to Tsukishima, his face pale white, and staring with shock.

C-Crap I forgot to put it back....

'She'll probably take awhile.'

Tsukishima thought glancing at his phones watch, letting out a deep breath he began walking into the opposite side of the store.

He felt a little relieved that you were okay with shopping mostly after all that had happened to you.

The last thing he wanted to happen was for you to get into a depressive state, it pained him to watch you suffer while he sat by.

Walking past the various sections he knew the place by heart, your favorite clothing store in the town but he disliked most of the clothes here

It gave him a Kageyama and Tanaka vibe with what they had displayed for the men's.

Nevertheless he made his way into the men's section looking at the various items hung up and on the circle racks.

'Mom and Akiteru would probably like something'

Every time you visited the two they gawked over the outfits you were like moths to a light.

It was better to chose items for Christmas right now instead of panicking tomorrow about it in his head.

ready to pick out twelve of the same hoodies for his brother who he knew would take his gift in tears.

Throwing the jackets and jeans over his shoulder he felt satisfied with his findings.

'Now mom....'

Walking into the women's section across from yours instead of crazy logos and design it gave more of a cottage and family game night vibe.

The colorful shirts of lively blue and pink displayed and he began picking a few out.

The image of you happily skipping away to shop for clothes playing in his head like a broken track record and he sighs running his hand through his hair with a small smile on his face.

'I wanna see her...'

Looking through the jewelry for his mom he watched it shift into a ring placed in a small box, the same ring he was going to propose with.

Feeling hesitate he adds the necklace on the pile of clothes pushing away all the thoughts about it.

'She'll feel pressured she's already going through enough...'

Recalling your face while you sat in the hospital bed, proposing would add nothing but trouble.

'But she's pregnant wouldn't it better just to propose...'

The whole thing was a mess in his head, letting out a small groan of irritation as he made his way out of the women's section.

Freezing at a small area of items.

Turning his attention to it as he faced his body forward staring up at the wall, a huge picture and label tagging it and his eyes turn down to the wall and shelves.

He wanted to hurry to you, but becoming distracted he picked one of the items up.

Holding a see through tiny juice container he could fist it with his hand.

In fact most of the items he saw were small compared to his hand and it made him wonder.

Feeling pretty unfazed except pure curiosity he had no reason to stay at the moment.

"Coffee" | Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now